Morabito, L., & Robert, B. (2023). Success factors and lessons learned during the implementation of a cooperative space for critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 19(6), 527-543.
Directory of Experts
Robert, Benoît

Directory of Experts
Robert, Benoît
Directory of Experts
Publications by type
Journal article (43)
Conference paper (53)
Book (4)
Book chapter (7)
Report (1)
Teaching resource
Audio recording
Video recording
Benoît Robert (108)
- Journal articles (43)
- 2023
Journal article
- 2021
Journal article Micouleau, D., & Robert, B. (2021). Case study: development of an integrative approach to assess municipalities' resilience potential. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 11(1), 66-78.Journal article Micouleau, D., & Robert, B. (2021). Case study: development of an integrative approach to assess municipalities' resilience potential. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 11(1), 66-66.
- 2020
Journal article Micouleau, D., Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2020). Conceptual framework for organizational adaptability in a context of disruption. Business And Management Research Journal (BMRJ), 10(8), 3-11.Journal article Heinzlef, C., Robert, B., Hémond, Y., & Serre, D. (2020). Operating urban resilience strategies to face climate change and associated risks: some advances from theory to application in Canada and France. Cities, 104, 11 pages.
- 2019
Journal article Rahi, K., Bourgault, M., & Robert, B. (2019). Benchmarking Project Resilience. Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(1).
- 2017
Journal article Rodrigues, T., Silva Ribeiro, A., Vasconcelos, L., & Robert, B. (2017). Teste diagnóstico de resiliência potencial: o radar da resiliência organizacional. [Diagnostic test of resilience potential: the radar of organizational resilience]. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 16, 44-64.
- 2016
Journal article Delvosalle, C., Robert, B., Nourry, J., Yan, G., Brohez, S., & Delcourt, J. (2016). Considering critical infrastructures in the land use planning policy around Seveso plants. Safety Science, 97, 27-33.
- 2015
Journal article Robert, B., Morabito, L., Cloutier, I., & Hemond, Y. (2015). Interdependent critical infrastructures resilience: methodology and case study. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24(1), 70-79.Journal article De Serres, A., & Robert, B. (2015). Les nouveaux enjeux de la gestion des risques et de la résilience des grands immeubles. Maintenance, 4(4), 25-28.Journal article Robert, B., Arnoux, J., & Morabito, L. (2015). Understanding the impediments to inter-organizational information sharing : application to the telecommunications sector. Infrastructure Resilience Risk Reporter, 1(4), 3-11.
- 2014
Journal article Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2014). Assessment process of the resilience potential of critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 10(3-4), 200-217.Journal article Robert, B., Delvosalle, C., Nourry, J., & Morabito, L. (2014). Identifying Critical Infrastructures : Vulnerability to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods. CIP Report, 13(2), 5-8.
- 2013
Journal article Robert, B., Morabito, L., & Debernard, C. (2013). Simulation and anticipation of domino effects among critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 9(4), 275-303.
- 2012
Journal article Marche, C., & Robert, B. (2012). Dam Failure Risk: Its Definition and Impact on Safety Assessment of Dam Structures. Journal of Decision Systems, 11(3-4), 513-534.Journal article Robert, B., & Cloutier, I. (2012). La mobilisation lors de l'anticipation d'une situation d'urgence : le défi de la collaboration multi-organisationnelle. Sécurité & stratégie, 10(3), 16-23.Journal article Robert, B., Cloutier, I., & Morabito, L. (2012). Modeling and coordinating interdependent critical infrastructure in Montréal. CIP report, Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security, 10(11), 3-11.Journal article Robert, B., Morabito, L., & Cloutier, I. (2012). Modéliser et coordonner les infrastructures essentielles à Montréal. Revue RIE, GRC, édition sp.Journal article Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2012). Preparedness: the State of the Art and Future Prospects. Disaster Prevention and Management, 21(4), 404-417.Journal article Robert, B., & Yan, G. (2012). Tools for managing interdependencies among critical infrastructures in planning major or large-scale events. Canadian Risk & Hazards Network, HazNet, 3(2), 10-12.
- 2011
Journal article Faubert, G., & Robert, B. (2011). Protection des infrastructures essentielles : un bilan pour le futur. Sécurité & stratégie (7), 78-82.
- 2010
Journal article Sanchez, H., & Robert, B. (2010). A matrix for monitoring the strategic performance of project portfolios. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2(2), 135-153.Journal article Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2010). An approach to identifying geographic interdependencies among critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 6(1), 17-30.Journal article Hemond, Y., & Robert, B. (2010). Evaluation of the consequences of road system failure on other Critical Infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 6(1), 1-16.Journal article Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2010). L'évaluation de la résilience organisationnelle. Télescope, 16(2), 131-153.Journal article Sanchez, H., & Robert, B. (2010). Measuring Portfolio strategic performance using key performance. Project Management Journal, 41(5), 64-73.
- 2009
Journal article Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2009). Analyse de la dépendance face à l'électricité. Revue CHOC, 4.Journal article Sanchez, H., Robert, B., Bourgault, M., & Pellerin, R. (2009). Risk management applied to projects, programs, and portfolios. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(1), 14-35.
- 2008
Journal article Smith, M., Marche, C., & Robert, B. (2008). A new approach to identifying risk, prioritizing dam safety work. Hydro Review, XXVII(6), 40-51.Journal article Sanchez, H., Robert, B., & Pellerin, R. (2008). A project portfolio risk-opportunity identification framework. Project Management Journal, 39(3), 97-109.Journal article Smith, M., Marche, C., & Robert, B. (2008). Interrelations between failure mechanisms. Canadian Dam Association Bulletin, 19(1).Journal article Robert, B., De Calan, R., & Morabito, L. (2008). Modelling interdependencies among critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 4(4), 392-408.Journal article Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2008). The operational tools for managing physical interdependencies among critical infrastructures. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 4(4), 353-367.
- 2007
Journal article Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2007). The preventive approach to risks related to interdependent infrastructures. International Journal of Emergency Management, 4(2).
- 2006
Journal article Robert, B., Marche, C., Rousselle, J., & Petit, F. (2006). Method for consequence curves as applied to flood risks. International Journal of Emergency Management, 3(2-3), 192-214.
- 2004
Journal article Robert, B. (2004). A method for the study of cascading effects within lifeline networks. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 1(1), 86-99.Journal article Seidou, O., Robert, B., Marche, C., Rousselle, J., & Lefebvre, M. (2004). Construction probabiliste de scénarios d'apports à un réservoir. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 31(1), 146-154.Journal article Petit, F., Robert, B., & Rousselle, J. (2004). Une nouvelle approche pour la caractérisation des aléas et l'évaluation des vulnérabilités des réseaux de support à la vie. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 31(2), 333-344.
- 2003
Journal article Seidou, O., Marche, C., Robert, B., & Rousselle, J. (2003). Gestion à risque contrôlé des réservoirs hydroélectriques. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30(2), 1111-1122.Journal article Robert, B., Forget, S., & Rousselle, J. (2003). The Effectiveness of Flood Damage Reduction Measures in the Montréal Region. Natural Hazards, 28(2-3), 367-385.
- 1996
Journal article Robert, B., Gamelin, C., Hausler, R., & Jarry, V. (1996). Training Concept for Environmental Emergency Measures: Structuring Knowledge. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 4(3), 175-183.
- 1995
Journal article Robert, B., & Podesto, M. (1995). Environmental assessment: Transition of a decision support system to the environmental management of projects. Impact Assessment, 13(2), 117-133.
- 1989
Journal article Robert, B., & Marche, C. (1989). An expert system to assist designers of hydraulic systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2(1), 57-64.
- 2023
- Conference papers (53)
- 2019
Conference paper Heinzlef, C., Hémond, Y., Robert, B., & Serre, D. (2019, May). A decision-support tool to increase urban resilience to floods risk: from a theoretical concept to operational urban managers re-appropriation. A France-Quebec comparative approach [Paper]. Society for Risk Analysis-Fifth World Congress on Risk., Cape Town (South Africa).Conference paper Lépine, C., Baril, G., Therrien, M.-C., Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2019, May). Collaborative governance of essential systems risk assessment approach [Paper]. Canadian Association for Programs in Public Administration Annual Research Conference in Public Administration, Policy, and Management, Montréal, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Lépine, C., Baril, G., Hémond, Y., Therrien, M.-C., & Robert, B. (2019, May). Gouvernance collaborative d'appréciation des risques des systèmes essentiels en contexte de changements climatiques : cas de deux MRC au Québec [Paper]. 87e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Gatineau (Canada).Conference paper Robert, B., Hemond, Y., & Useche, L. F. S. (2019, July). Resilience of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures: A Case Study in Quebec (Canada) [Paper]. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2020), Dublin, Ireland.
- 2017
Conference paper Robert, B. (2017, December). A strategic community dedicated to physical interdependencies: the case of Montreal [Paper]. Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America 2017, Orlando, FL, USA.Conference paper Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2017, October). The challenge of SMBs resilience in urban governance. The case of SMBs and climate change [Paper]. Co-constructing knowledge for urban resilience implementation workshop, Montréal (Canada).
- 2016
Conference paper Robert, B., & Micouleau, D. (2016, October). Analyses-diagnostics de la résilience d'une organisation [Paper]. 20e Congrès LambdaMu de l'institut pour la maitrise des risques, Saint-Malo (France).Conference paper Robert, B. (2016, May). Collaboration multi-organisationnelle entre gestionnaires d'infrastructures - Vers une opérationnalisation de la résilience urbaine et du développement durable [Paper]. Colloque du CIRODD, 84ième congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal (Canada).Conference paper Temouch, H., & Robert, B. (2016, May). La continuité des activités comme moyen d'atténuation des risques contribue au potentiel de résilience dans la gestion des immeubles [Paper]. Colloque de la chaire Ivanhoé Cambridge, 84ième congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, QC, Canada.Conference paper Micouleau, D., & Robert, B. (2016, August). La résilience d'une organisation et le dégagement de marges de manœuvre cohérentes [Paper]. 3e Congrès mondial sur la résilience, Trois-Rivières (Canada).Conference paper Robert, B., Hémond, Y., & Micouleau, D. (2016, August). Résilience des infrastructures essentielles interdépendantes [Paper]. 3e Congrès mondial sur la résilience, Trois-Rivières (Canada).Conference paper Micouleau, D., & Robert, B. (2016, February). Room for maneuver and its importance in achieving organizational [Paper]. CatIQ's Canadian Catastrophe Conference, Toronto (Canada).
- 2015
Conference paper Delvosalle, C., Nourry, J., Robert, B., & Yan, G. (2015, June). Considering Critical Infrastructures in the land use planning policy around Seveso plants [Paper]. 7th European meeting on chemical industry and environment (EMChIE), Tarragone, Espagne.Conference paper Girard, C., Piatyszek, E., & Robert, B. (2015, September). Emergency Response Plans using time scheduling to anticipate the mission time deviation [Paper]. 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2015), Zurich, Switzerland.Conference paper Temouch, H., & Robert, B. (2015, July). L'importance d'un diagnostic du potentiel de résilience des grands immeubles [Paper]. 10ième Congrès du RIODD, Montréal, QC, Canada.Conference paper Wielinski, G., Trépanier, M., Morency, C., Viviani, M., & Robert, B. (2015, September). One-way carsharing and electric vehicles [Paper]. Carsharing Alliance Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
- 2014
Conference paper Robert, B. (2014, May). La résilience et le partage d'informations multiorganisationnelles [Paper]. Colloque sur les changements climatiques et les aménagements urbains : quels discours, quelles expériences à l'échelle urbaine, 82ième congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal (Canada).Conference paper Robert, B. (2014, May). Les fondements techniques du concept de la résilience organisationnelle". Colloque innovation et gestion des risques des grands immeubles [Paper]. 82e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal (Canada).Conference paper Delvosalle, C., & Robert, B. (2014, February). Vulnérabilité des infrastructures essentielles aux risques technologiques majeurs [Paper]. Colloque de la sécurité civile, Québec. Québec.
- 2013
Conference paper Lemesre, C., & Robert, B. (2013, May). Évaluation de la dépendance des infrastructures essentielles aux produits pétroliers [Paper]. 81e congrès de l'ACFAS : Savoirs sans frontières, Québec, QC, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2013, May). Infrastructures essentielles interdépendantes : de la protection à la résilience [Paper]. 81e congrès de l'ACFAS : Savoirs sans frontières, Québec, QC, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B. (2013, May). Interdépendance des systèmes essentiels : comment en tenir compte pour améliorer la résilience des établissements? [Paper]. Forum en sécurité civile, Santé et Services Sociaux, Québec, QC, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2013, April). Interdependent critical infrastructures : from protection towards resilience [Paper]. 2013 Critical Infrastructure Symposium (TISP), West Point, NY, USA.Conference paper Robert, B., & Olivry, F. (2013, May). Vulnérabilité d'un territoire face à ses systèmes essentiels dans un contexte de changements climatiques [Paper]. 81e congrès de l'ACFAS : Savoirs sans frontières, Québec, QC, Canada.
- 2012
Conference paper Robert, B., Morabito, L., Cloutier, I., & Hémond, Y. (2012, October). An EWS inspired tool for anticipating domino effects among critical infrastructures [Paper]. Canadian Rsk and Hazards Network, 9th Annual Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada.Conference paper Olivry, F., Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2012, November). Systèmes essentiels : vulnérabilités aux changements climatiques [Paper]. 18e édition Congrès INFRA 2012 Infrastructures municipales, Montréal, Québec.
- 2011
Conference paper Robert, B., Morabito, L., & Cloutier, I. (2011, November). A collaborative approach to interdependency analysis of regional CI [Paper]. 1st International Workshop on Regional Critical Infrastructures Protection Programmes, Milan, Italie.Conference paper Pagé-Bélanger, R., Robert, B., & Neault, J.-M. (2011, October). Démarche de résilience des systèmes essentiels au Québec [Paper]. 8th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.Conference paper Catalan, C., & Robert, B. (2011, September). Evaluation of organizational resilience : an application of the methodology to essential systems in Québec [Paper]. 6th Dubrovnik Conference on sustainable development of energy water and environment systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia.Conference paper Catalan, C., & Robert, B. (2011, June). Evaluation of organizational resilience : application in Québec [Paper]. 4th Symposium Resilience Engineering, Sophia-Antipolis, France.Conference paper Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2011, November). Evaluation of state of resilience for a critical infrastructure in a context of interdependencies [Paper]. 4th Annual Conference on Next Generation Infrastructures, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Published in International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 8(2-3).Conference paper Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2011, October). Evaluation of state of resiliency for a critical infrastructure in a context of interdependencies [Paper]. 8th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.Conference paper Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2011, November). Evaluation of state of resiliency for a critical infrastructure in a context of interdependencies [Paper]. 4th Annual Conference on Next Generation Infrastructures, Hampton Roads, VA, USA.Conference paper Hémond, Y., & Robert, B. (2011, October). Evaluation of state of resiliency for organization [Paper]. 8th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2011, November). Organizational Resilience : a multidisciplinary Sociotechnical challenge [Paper]. Colloque : How the concept of resilience is able to improve urban risk management? A temporal an a spatial analysis, Paris, France.Conference paper Robert, B., Yan, G., & Pagé-Bélanger, R. (2011, June). Outils de gestion des interdépendances entre infrastructures essentielles (IE) dans la planification d'événements majeurs ou d'envergure [Paper]. Symposium sur la science & technologie pour la sécurité publique, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2009
Conference paper Petit, F., & Robert, B. (2009, July). Concepts to analyse the vulnerability of critical infrastructures - Taking into account cybernetics [Paper]. 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida.Conference paper Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2009, December). Critical infrastructures interdependency modelling [Paper]. Modelling & Simulation of Public Safety and Security Operations Conference, Ottawa, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2009, May). Dependency on electricity and telecommunication [Paper]. Electricity security in the cyber age . Managing the increasing dependence of the electricity infrastructure on ICT, Ultrecht, Hollande.Conference paper Robert, B. (2009, October). Geoinformation for risk prevention-The challenges facing critical infrastructure protection [Paper]. CIP Workshop 2009 : Exploring risk gouvernance, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia.
- 2007
Conference paper Robert, B. (2007, May). Évaluation et gestion de la vulnérabilité d'une municipalité face aux inondations [Paper]. 2ième colloque sur les risques naturels au Québec / 75ième congrès de l'ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B., & Cloutier, I. (2007, May). Geoinformation for risk prevention - the Challenges facing critical infrastructure protection [Paper]. Joint CIG/ISPRS Conference on Geomatics for Disaster and Risk Management, Toronto, Canada.Conference paper Robert, B. (2007, September). Interdépendances et effets domino [Paper]. Symposium national sur les télécommunications d'urgence, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Petit, F., & Robert, B. (2007, September). Vulnérabilité des échanges face à des risques cybernétiques [Paper]. Symposium national sur les télécommunications d'urgence, Montréal, Québec.
- 2005
Conference paper Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2005, November). A preventive approach of risk management based on the interdependences between infrastructures [Paper]. 2nd annual CRHNet Symposium Reducing Risk Through Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario.Conference paper Robert, B. (2005, October). Évaluation de la vulnérabilité d'un réseau d'aqueduc par une approche par conséquences [Paper]. 28e Symposium sur les eaux usées, Sherbrooke, Québec.Conference paper Robert, B., & Pataki, D. (2005, November). Évaluation de la vulnérabilité d'un réseau d'aqueduc : une apporche globale [Paper]. 11ième édition de la semaine des infrastructures urbaines INFRA 2005, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Robert, B. (2005, May). La démarche de prévention : une gestion des risques reliés à l'interdépendance des infrastructures [Paper]. Congrès international Urbistique 2005 : les nouvelles tendances du développement urbain intégré, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Smith, M., Marche, C., & Robert, B. (2005, October). Minimisation du risqué barrage par l'utilisation des réseaux bayésiens [Paper]. 4e conférence nationale - Fiabilité des matériaux et des structures (JNF'05), Clermont-Ferrand, France.Conference paper Robert, B., & Bourgault, M. (2005, June). Une gestion proactive des risques appliquée à la gestion de projets [Paper]. 6e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI 2005), Besançon, France.
- 2004
Conference paper Robert, B., & Sabourin, J.-P. (2004, March). Infrastructures essentielles : la communication des risques et les réseaux de support à la vie [Paper]. Colloque Un nouveau défi, la communication des risques, Montréal, Québec.
- 1996
Conference paper Peyrat, M., & Robert, B. (1996, September). Knowledge quality and risk management : application : environmental management [Paper]. 11th International conference on applications of artificial intelligence in engineering, Clearwater, Fl, USA.
- 1995
Conference paper Robert, B., Spielman, N., & March, C. (1995, October). Assistance in the preparation of emergency measures created by the bursting of dams [Paper]. Canadian Dam Safety Association Conference, Banff (Canada).
- 2019
- Books (4)
- 2011
Book Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2011). Reducing the vulnerability of critical infrastructures - Methodological manuel.
- 2009
Book Robert, B. (2009). Organizational Resilience : concepts and evaluation method.Book Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2009). Réduire la vulnérabilité des infrastructures essentielles.Book Robert, B. (2009). Résilience organisationnelle : concepts et méthodologie d'évaluation.
- 2011
- Book chapters (7)
- 2024
Book chapter Morissette, M., Komljenović, D., Robert, B., Gravel, J.-F., Benoit, N., Lebeau, S., Fortin, W., Yaacoub, S.-J., Leduc, P., Rioux, P.-J., Lamour, B., Michaud, D., Valiquette, D., Meango, J.-M., Côté, A., Loiselle, G., & Moisan, É. (2024). Combining Asset Integrity Management and Resilience in Coping with Extreme Climate Events in Electrical Power Grids. In Salama, M. M., Komljenovic, D., & Riznic, J. R. (eds.), Asset Integrity Management of Critical Infrastructure (pp. 52-65).
- 2017
Book chapter Robert, B., Hémond, Y., & Cloutier, I. (2017). Un outil d'anticipation pour la résilience des infrastructures essentielles. In Thomas, I., & Da Cunha, A. (eds.), Territoires vulnérables, villes résilientes : Comment s'adapter aux changements climatiques (pp. 155-174).
- 2013
Book chapter Robert, B., Hémond, Y., & Yan, G. (2013). L'évaluation de la résilience organisationnelle. In De Serres, A. (ed.), La gestion des risques majeurs : la résilience organisationnelle, apprendre à être surpris (pp. 151-188).Book chapter Robert, B., & Hémond, Y. (2013). Organizational Resilience: A multidisciplinary Sociotechnical Challenge. In Serre, D., Barroca, B., & Laganier, R. (eds.), Resilience and Urban Risk Management (pp. 119-126).Book chapter Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2013). Risques majeurs et interdépendances entre les systèmes essentiels. In La gestion des risques majeurs (pp. 189-224).
- 2010
Book chapter Robert, B., & Morabito, L. (2010). Dependency on Electricity and Telecommunications. In Lukszo, Z., Deconinck, G., & Weijnen, M. P. C. (eds.), Securing Electricity Supply in the Cyber Age : Exploring the Risks of Information and Communication Technology in Tomorrow's Electricity Infrastructure (Vol. 15, pp. 33-52).Book chapter Petit, F., Robert, B., & Rey, B. (2010). Protection des infrastructures critiques. In Techniques de l'ingénieur (pp. 146-152).
- 2024
- Reports (1)
- 2020
Report Baril, G., Hémond, Y., Lépine, C., Préval, J., Robert, B., & Therrien, M.-C. (2020). Démarche de gouvernance collaborative d'appréciation des risques des systèmes essentiels. (Technical Report n° 570011).
- 2020