Research areas description
The NSERC Multisectorial Industrial Research Chair in Coatings and Surface Engineering focuses its research on the development of new physical and chemical vapor depositions, new nanostructured materials for thin films systems, and coatings with custom-made properties and characteristics. Those thin films, designed by plasma or ions projections, from nanometric scale to micrometric scale, can be used with flat substrates (batch and continuous processes), 3D substrates and particles. One of the most important research of the Chair is the development of metrology of optical, mechanical, tribological and electro-chemical properties, as well as evaluation of durability of the materials under unfriendly conditions.
Research involves
In collaboration with Professor Jolanta E. Klemberg Sapieha and many industrial partners, the Chair will develop multifunctional surfaces for industrial diffusion or consumer products with various properties such as: anti-reflection, anti-erosion, anti-abrasion, anti-fog coatings, self-controlled reflection or emissivity for optics (i.e. smart), luminescence, sterilization, hydrophobic and ice-phobic coatings.
Many industries are interested in those projects: optics, architecture, biomedical, aerospace and space exploration, energy, manufacturing and so on.
Research staff
- Ludvik Martinu | Chairholder
External sources of funding