Research areas description
The main research focus of the Laboratory is to pioneer in the development of new instrumented platforms and techniques through nanorobotics by exploiting the unique properties of molecular scale entities. The main areas of applications are in medicine and bioengineering, including supporting new robotic platforms for nanomanufacturing or high-throughput automatic operations at the nanoscale. To link the nanoscale to the human scale, complex instrumented platforms unique in the world are being developed in a highly interdisciplinary environment composed of teams of researchers and graduated students with backgrounds ranging from medicine, microbiology, physics, chemistry, fluid dynamics, material sciences, and nanotechnology, to micromechanics, microelectronics, software, and computer engineering, to name but a few.
Research staff
- Sylvain Martel | Director
Specialized equipment
• 32 computer stations connected to a network with access to several computer-based software packages required for research and development in various disciplines (mechanics, electronics, etc.) • Mechanical workshop • Small chemistry laboratory • Biology section with incubation, microscopy, and particles counting facilities • Electronics circuit boards prototyping facility consisting of a computer-based Protomat 95S/II plotter and an electroplating platform • Several custom computer-based platforms for nanorobotics research • Custom environmental platform for Helium and/or Nitrogen-based cooling • Custom class 10 (clean room) chamber with automatic environmental control • Custom 3G acceleration, 300 nanometers precision robotic platform with laser sensors • 0.1 nanometer precision robotic platform • Computer-controlled optical microscopy platform with robotic, imaging, and custom software modules • A 1.5 T Siemens Magnetom Sonata clinical MRI system with various antennas and custom software modules • Additional custom gradient coils for 3D propulsion of small ferromagnetic particles in capillaries • Additional custom 3D coils system for magnetic bacteria swimming direction control • Pumps, infrared camera for hyperthermia applications, motion detection systems for real-time registration • One computer room with various electronic systems, two sets of MRI amplifiers, and cooling systems • One control room with several computer consoles connected to the main facility network • One assembly room with platforms for the development of 3D phantoms • One room for biology • A Resonetics Excimer laser system
News about NanoRobotics Laboratory
Press review about NanoRobotics Laboratory