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Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (LADYF)

Phone: (514) 340-4711 Ext. 2961

Research areas description

Over the past ten years Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has progressed to the point where its predictive capability is limited by the fundamental fluid mechanics knowledge (“turbulence”) imbedded in it. A consequence is that we are fast approaching the point where this will set limits on the efficiency of devices that engineers can design with the current CFD tools.The Laboratory for the Study of Fundamental Fluid Mechanics (FFM) issues to understand the limitations of current models imbedded in CFD tools and to unleash them using ‘a priori model testing' to improve and extend the reach of the imbedded knowledge for this class of problems to meet anticipated needs of industry for the economic and social benefit of the country.

The Laboratory for the Study of Fundamental Fluid Mechanics (FFM) issues to understand the limitations of current models imbedded in CFD tools and to unleash them using 'a priori model testing' to improve and extend the reach of the imbedded knowledge for this class of problems to meet anticipated needs of industry for the economic and social benefit of the country. The laboratory will be use to analyse complex physics in simple geometries in laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes to challenge the prediction capability of commercial CFD code and to foster modeling activities in this field. There is four classes of flows important to the engineering applications:

1) Stability of swirling flows

2) Rotating flow turbulence

3) Transitional wall flows

4) Elastic turbulence.

Keywords: flow measurements, particle image velocimetry, signal processing, data mining, flow modeling, simulation, validation, optimisation

Research interests

Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 2105 Hydraulics
  • 2201 Turbulence
  • 2203 Modelling, simulation

Research staff

Professors / researchers (8)
Number of research agents: 2

Specialized equipment

Viscosity measurement equipment, flow-rate control and measurement equipment, temperature control and measurement equipment, optical tables, hot-wire anemometry equipment, laser Doppler anemometry system, particle image velocimetry equipment, pressure measurement system, strain measurement system, gap measurement system, acquisition and control systems, data storage and visualization system.

External sources of funding


Press review about Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (LADYF)

February 7, 2022, CScience IA, Une dentition parfaite grâce à l’IA ? François Guibault, professeur titulaire au Département de génie informatique et génie logiciel à Polytechnique Montréal, revient sur le prototype de génération de surfaces en 3D, actuellement développé par son équipe, et qui s'appuie sur un outil informatique basé sur l’intelligence artificielle pour concevoir des couronnes dentaires.
Other mentions: Le Devoir