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System for Translating Text Into Animation

( #infographie, #images de synthèse )

From January 2009 to January 2011, the Gitan research group was working to develop a new technology for knowledge representation and communication based on animations. More specifically, the project aimed to develop a grammar linking textual content and animations in order to allow the transition from linguistic to graphic representation. This grammar is composed of a set of primitives of objects, actions and other categories, plus a set of rules for composing these primitive objects in order to obtain an animated representation. We thus propose to develop and implement a generic method allowing to build, by combining a primitive set of graphical objects, a 3D animation that corresponds to the semantic content of a text. The understanding and modeling of the phenomena that link a text to its visual representation in the form of animations, via an abstract description, is a field of scientific investigation that mainly involves automatic language processing (ALP) and computer graphics.

See the archived web site of the Gitan research group.

The main contributions of the project have been the development of a graphical ontology linking concepts in animations to high-level abstract categories; the development of a grammar for the generation of 3D animations; and the extraction of the semantic content of a text and its translation into an animated representation on the graphical ontology. We have developed various software for text analysis and for the automated generation of graphic animations.

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