Maksim Skorobogatiy, PhD, ing. / P.Eng
Professeur titulaire / Full Professor
Chaire de recherche du Canada I / Canada Research Chair I
Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA)
Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)
Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
PhD, MIT Physics 2001
MSc, MIT EECS 2000
MSc, McGill Physics 1997
BSc, RIT Physics 1995
Génie physique
Polytechnique Montréal
Campus l'Université de Montréal
C.P. 6079, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3C 3A7
Tel: (514) 340-4711 (3327)
Fax: (514) 340-3218
Chef de groupe / Group leader
Maksim Skorobogatiy, PhD, ing./P.Eng.
Professeur titulaire / Full professor
Chaire de Recherche du Canada Tier I en Photonique terahertz omniprésente
Canada Research Chair Tier I in Ubiquitous Terahertz Photonics
Chaire de Recherche d'École Polytechnique en Photonique terahertz
École Polytechnique Research Chair in Terahertz Photonics
Chaire de Recherche du Canada Tier II en micro et nanophotonique
Canada Research Chair Tier II in Micro and Nanophotonics
Notre équipe cherche à remplir plusieurs postes pour les études MSc et PhD dans les domaines des communications sans fil par biais des ondes THz, de l'imagerie THz et des textiles intelligents.
Our group currently has several MSc and PhD openings in the fields of THz wireless communications, THz imaging and smart textiles.
Anciens étudiants / Former students
2022 - Katirvel Nallapan - Optical Systems Engineer (R&D) at DZS Canada Inc., Kanata, Ontario, Canada
2021-2022 - Postdoctoral fellow in "THz communications"
2014-2020 - PhD in "High Bitrate Wireless and Fiber-based Terahertz Communication"
2022 - Cao Yang - Professor at Hebei University of Technology, China
2017-2022 - PhD in "Optical component development for THz communications", China Scholarship Council fellow
2022 - Quentin Chapdelaine - Component engineer at MDA Space, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, Canada
2020-2022 - MSc in "THz super-resolution imaging using Solid Immersion Microscopy"
2021 - Raphael Henri - Software Developer in computer vision for Robotic applications, SERVO-ROBOT Inc., Montréal, Québec, Canada
2019-2021 - MSc in "THz multipixel imaging arrays"
2021- Mathieu Poulin - Computer Vision & AI Developer at Agmanic Vision, Montréal, Québec, Canada
2019-2021 - MSc in "Surface waves for THz sensing and imaging"
2023 - Hichem Guerboukha - Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
2020-2023 - FRQNT Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Engineering, Brown University, USA
2020 -
Prix des meilleurs mémoires et thèses PhD (Best PhD thesis award of Polytechnique) et le Prix Roger-A.-Blais
, pour « Enabling Real-Time Terahertz Imaging with Advanced Optics and Computational Imaging.»
2015-2019 - PhD in THz imaging
2019 - Alexander Graham Bell Ph.D. Scholarship (NSERC)
2016 - NSERC graduate studies (PhD) fellowship
2015 -
Prix des meilleurs mémoires et thèses MSc (Best MSc thesis award),
pour « Advanced Instrumentation for Practical Applications of Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging. »
2015 -
Lauréat de juin 2015 du concours Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles par le Fonds Nature et Technologies du Québec pour son travail en
conception et applications des guides ondes THz en soie biodégradable (H. Guerboukha, G. Yan, O. Skorobogata, M. Skorobogatiy,
"Silk Foam Terahertz Waveguides,"
Advanced Optical Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400228 (2014))
2013-2015 - MSc (Poly) in THz fibers and THz instrumentation
2020 - Steven Giannacopoulos - Test and Measurement Specialist at Ciena, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2019-2020 - Maîtrises professionnelles, internship in effective media for THz optics
2018-2019 Erjun Zhang - International internship (Poly) in radiative heat transfer
2018- Xin Lu - Postdoc at the UBC, BC, Canada
2014-2018 - PhD (Poly) in electroactive fiber fabrication, China Scholarship Council fellow
2018 - Qu Hang - Professor at the Physics Department in the Science college of Shantou University, China
2015-2018 - Research Associate (Poly) in smart textiles
2013-2015 - Postdoc (Poly) in microstructured fiber fabrication
2013 - Nominated for the best PhD thesis of 2013
2009-2013 - PhD (Poly) in optical fiber sensors
2016-2017 - Jayesh Sadasivan - International internship (Poly) in the THz waveguide sensors
2017 - Jingwen Li - Postdoc at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Deparment, UBC, BC, Canada
2014-2017 - PhD (Poly) in the optical fiber sensors
2017 - Tian Ma - Researcher at the Xi'an University of Science and Technology of China, China
2013-2017 - PhD (Poly) in THz fibers for communications and imaging
2014-2015 - Jingshan Hou - Postdoc (Poly) in the electroactive fiber fabrication
2018 - Andrey Markov - Researcher at C2T3, Trois-Rivieres, QC, Canada
2015-2018 - Postdoc at the INRS, QC, Canada
2010-2015 - PhD (Poly) in THz fibers and THz instrumentation
2022 - Maria Zhuldybina - Institutional Researcher at the ETS, QC, Canada
2015-2020 - PhD at the ETS, QC, Canada
2014-2015 - Internship (Poly) in optical fiber sensors
2022 - Martin Girard - Group leader, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
2018-2022 - Postodctoral studies, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
2014-2018 - PhD in Applied Physics, NorthWestern University, USA
2014 - Nominated for the best MSc thesis of 2014
2014 - NSERC international graduate studies (PhD) fellowship (Northwestern University)
2013 - NSERC graduate studies (MSc) fellowship
2012-2014 - MSc (Poly) in coupled fiber / metamaterial systems
2012-2013 - Yan Guofeng - China Scholarship Council exchange fellow (Poly), PhD in THz waveguides at Zhejiang University
2022 - Anna Mazhorova - Component Specialist, EXFO, QC, Canada
2016-2022 - Optical Specialist at Thorlabs, QC, Canada
2012-2016 - Postdoc at the INRS with R. Morandotti, QC, Canada
2012 -
Lauréate du concours Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles par le Fonds Nature et Technologies
du Québec pour son travail en biodétection des bactéries par les ondes THz
(''Label-free bacteria detection using evanescent mode of a suspended core terahertz fiber,''
Optics Express, vol. 20, no 5, 2012, p. 5344-5355)
2009-2012 - PhD (Poly) in microstructured optical fibers
2014 - Bora Ung - Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department at the Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS), Montréal, Canada
2012 - FQRNT Postdoc fellowship at the U. Laval with R. Valée and Y. Messaddeq, QC, Canada
2012 - Nominated for the best PhD thesis of 2012
2011 -
Holder of the Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant, 2011
2011 -
Holder of the SPIE Scholarship
2009 - FQRNT graduate studies (PhD) fellowship
2008-2012 - PhD (Poly) in theory of photonic crystal fibers
2017 - Stepan Gorgutsa - Researcher at C2T3, Trois-Rivieres, QC, Canada
2016-2017 - Postdoc at the U. Laval, COPL
2012-2016 - PhD at U. Laval, COPL
2009-2012 - MSc (Poly) in smart textiles
2011 - Mathieu Rosé - Researcher at the Université de Rennes, France
2010-2011 - Postdoc (Poly) in glass processing
2012 - Niyaz Ahmad Madhar - Professor at the King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2010-2011 - Postdoc (Poly) in chalcogenide glass processing
2013 - Jian Fang Gu - Lead Scientist, SABIC (China) R&D Center, China
2011-2013 - Lead Scientist at the GE Global Research, China
Global Research Center, SABIC Innovative Plastic Program.
2009-2011 - Postdoc (Poly) in polymer processing and smart textiles
2012 - Yang Liu - Lead R&D engineer, Positec Canada Ltd
2011-2012 - Research associate at the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada
2009-2011 - Postdoc (Poly) in electrochemistry and smart textiles
2019 - Alexandre Dupuis - Lead Software Engineer, Reveal Surgical, QC, Canada
2016-2019 - Senior R&D software engineer at Halifax Biomedical Inc., QC, Canada
2010-2016 - R&D Engineer and Optical Team Leader at Genia Photonics
2010 - Nominated for the best PhD thesis of 2010
2010 - NSERC industrial postdoc fellowship
2008 - NSERC graduate studies (PhD) fellowship
2006-2010 - PhD (Poly) in fabrication of THz fibers
2009-2010 - Imran Syed - International internship (Poly) in smart textiles
2009 - Frederic Desevedavy - Research Engineer at the University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France
2008-2009 - Postdoc (Poly) in soft glass processing
2009 - Robert Guo - Optical Fiber Engineer at MPB Communications Inc., QC, Canada
2007-2009 - Research Associate (Poly) in fabrication of photonic band gap fibers
2004-2007 - MSc (Poly) in fabrication of photonic band gap fibers
2012 - Alireza Hassani - CEO/CTO Senswear Inc., QC, Canada
2011-2012 - MSc, London School of Economics and Political Science, U. of London
2009-2011 - NSERC Strategic Postdoctoral Fellow at National Institute of Scientific Research INRS-EMT
2008 -
Holder of the Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant.
2008 -
Holder of the LEOS Graduate Student Fellowship.
2004-2009 - PhD (Poly) in modeling of photonic crystal fiber sensors
2011 - Elio Pone - R&D Researcher, Lasers & Fused Components Division at ITF Laboratories
2007-2011 - Research Associate (Poly) in development of electromagnetic solvers for photonic crystal fibers
2005-2007 - Postdoc (Poly) in modeling of fluid dynamics of microstructured fiber drawing
2009 - Lina Shi - Professor at the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2007-2009 - Postdoc (Poly) in photonic crystal and plasmonic sensors
2013 - Bertrand Gauvreau - System Engineer at Averna Inc., QC, Canada
2009-2013 - R&D Engineer and Group Leader at the Lasers & Fused Components Division of ITF Laboratories, QC, Canada
2009 - Prix des meilleurs mémoires et thèses (Best thesis award), MSc pour
« Dispositifs à bande photonique interdite pour des applications de textiles photoniques et capteurs plasmoniques »
2008 - NSERC graduate studies (MSc) fellowship
2007-2009 - MSc (Poly) in photonic crystal fiber-based sensors
2007-2008 - Dhia Hadri - International internship (Poly), PhD (Tunis) in microstructured fiber assisted sensing
2005-2006 - Yan Gao - Research Associate (Poly) in fabrication of all-polymer multilayers and fibers
2015 - Mahmoud Rajabian - Researcher at the U. Calgary
2004-2005 - Postdoc (Poly) in fabrication of polymer multilayers
2004-2005 - Laurent Chouinard - MSc (Poly) in modeling of photonic band gap fibers
Stagiaires de bac / Undergraduate Interns
2022 - Frédéric Marcotte - THz integrated circuits
2013 - Patrick Laurin - NSERC summer fellowship in THz waveguides
2013 - Hichem Guerboukha - NSERC summer fellowship in measurements of THz metamaterials
2012 - Martin Girard - NSERC summer fellowship in theory of THz metamaterials
2011 - Evelyne Brown Dussault - NSERC summer fellowship in THz characterization of complex materials
2008 - Alexandre Horth - NSERC summer fellowship in fabrication of photonic crystal fibers for plasmonic sensors
2006 - Bertrand Gauvreau - plasmonic photonic crystals
2006 - Majid Fassi Fehri - plasmonic photonic crystals
2004 - Galina Nemova - heat transfer in high power optical systems
2004 - Guillaume Begin - NSERC summer fellowship in study of imperfections in photonic crystals