Robillard, A., Boisjoly, G., & Waygood, O. (2023). Access to Parks and Green Spaces in Quebec City, Canada: Developing Children-Specific Accessibility Measures. Transportation Research Record, 14 pages.
Directory of Experts
Boisjoly, Geneviève
Directory of Experts
Boisjoly, Geneviève
Directory of Experts
Publications by type
Journal article (33)
Conference paper (33)
Book chapter (6)
Report (11)
Teaching resource
Audio recording
Video recording
Geneviève Boisjoly (83)
- Journal articles (33)
- 2023
Journal article Journal article Lachapelle, U., & Boisjoly, G. (2023). Breaking down public transit travel time for more accurate transport equity policies: A trip component approach. Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice, 175, 14 pages.Journal article Bourassa, A., Apparicio, P., Gelb, J., & Boisjoly, G. (2023). Canopy Assessment of Cycling Routes: Comparison of Videos from a Bicycle-Mounted Camera and GPS and Satellite Imagery. International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(1), 13 pages.Journal article El Murr, K., Boisjoly, G., & Waygood, O. (2023). Measuring accessibility to parks: Analyzing the relationship between self-reported and calculated measures. Journal of Transport Geography, 107, 103550 (13 pages).
- 2022
Journal article Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., & El-Geneidy, A. (2022). Modal equity of accessibility to healthcare in Recife, Brazil. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 15(1), 15 pages.Journal article Renaud-Blondeau, P., Boisjoly, G., Dagdougui, H., & He, S. Y. (2022). Powering the transition: Public charging stations and electric vehicle adoption in Montreal, Canada. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 16 pages.
- 2021
Journal article Vermesch, P., Boisjoly, G., & Lachapelle, U. (2021). Commuting mode share and workplace-based public transport services: An equity perspective. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2), 590-599.Journal article Waygood, O., Boisjoly, G., Manaugh, K., Sener, I. N., Wang, B., Sun, Y., Friman, M., & Olsson, L. E. (2021). Do you miss your friends? Life satisfaction during the second wave of Covid-19. Journal of Transport & Health, 22, 101171 (1 page).Journal article Roblot, M., Boisjoly, G., Ciari, F., & Trépanier, M. (2021). Participation in Shared Mobility: An Analysis of the Influence of Walking and Public Transport Accessibility to Vehicles on Carsharing Membership in Montreal, Canada. Transportation Research Record, 2675(12), 1160-1171.Journal article Lussier-Tomaszewski, P., & Boisjoly, G. (2021). Thinking regional and acting local: Assessing the joint influence of local and regional accessibility on commute mode in Montreal, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography, 90, 102917 (10 pages).Journal article El Murr, K., Robillard, A., Waygood, O., & Boisjoly, G. (2021). Walking Accessibility to Parks: Considering Number of Parks, Surface Area and Type of Activities. Findings.
- 2020
Journal article Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., Miranda-Moreno, L., & El-Geneidy, A. (2020). Accessibility matters: Exploring the determinants of public transport mode share across income groups in Canadian cities. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 80, 16 pages.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., Oliveira, G. T., & El-Geneidy, A. (2020). Accessibility measurements in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and Recife, Brazil. Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 102551 (11 pages).Journal article Boisjoly, G., Lachapelle, U., & El-Geneidy, A. (2020). Bicycle network performance: Assessing the directness of bicycle facilities through connectivity measures, a Montréal, Canada case study. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14(8), 620-634.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Deboosere, R., Wasfi, R., Orpana, H., Manaugh, K., Buliung, R., & El-Geneidy, A. (2020). Measuring accessibility to hospitals by public transport: An assessment of eight Canadian metropolitan regions. Journal of Transport & Health, 18, 100916 (14 pages).Journal article Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., Wasfi, R., Orpana, H., Manaugh, K., Buliung, R., Kestens, Y., & El-Geneidy, A. (2020). Spatial access by public transport and likelihood of healthcare consultations at hospitals. Journal of the Transportation Research Record, 2674(12), 188-198.
- 2019
Journal article Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., El-Geneidy, A. M., & Levinson, D. (2019). Accessibility and the journey to work through the lens of equity. Journal of Transport Geography, 74, 269-277.Journal article Grisé, E., Boisjoly, G., Maguire, M., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2019). Elevating access: Comparing accessibility to jobs by public transport for individuals with and without a physical disability. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 280-293.Journal article Onderwater, M., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2019). Influence of Travel Behavior, Personal Preferences, and Lifestyle on Perceived Convenience to Amenities among Calgary Residents. Transportation Research Record, 2673(8), 508-522.Journal article Chaloux, N., Boisjoly, G., Grise, E., El-Geneidy, A., & Levinson, D. (2019). I only get some satisfaction: Introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 833-843.
- 2018
Journal article Boisjoly, G., Wasfi, R., & El-Geneidy, A. (2018). How much is enough? Assessing the influence of neighborhood walkability on undertaking 10-minutes walks. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 143-151.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Wasfi, R., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018). How much is enough? Assessing the influence of neighborhood walkability on undertaking 10-minutes walks. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11(1), 143-151.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Grisé, E., Maguire, M., Veillette, M.-P., Deboosere, R., Berrebi, E., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018). Invest in the ride : a 14 year longitudinal analysis of the determinants of public transport ridership in 25 North American cities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 434-445.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Grisé, E., Maguire, M., Veillette, M.-P., Deboosere, R., Berrebi, E., & El-Geneidy, A. (2018). Invest in the ride: A 14 year longitudinal analysis of the determinants of public transport ridership in 25 North American cities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 434-445.
- 2017
Journal article El-Geneidy, A. M., van Lierop, D., Grisé, E., Boisjoly, G., Swallow, D., Fordham, L., & Herrmann, T. (2017). Get on board : assessing an all-door boarding pilot project in Montréal, Canada. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 99, 114-124.Journal article Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017). How to get there? A critical assessment of accessibility objectives and indicators in metropolitan transportation plans. Transport Policy, 55, 38-50.Journal article Boisjoly, G., Moreno-Monroy, A. I., & El-Geneidy, A. (2017). Informality and accessibility to jobs by public transit: Evidence from the São Paulo Metropolitan Region. Journal of Transport Geography, 64, 89-96.Journal article Boisjoly, G., & Yengoh, G. T. (2017). Opening the door to social equity: local and participatory approaches to transportation planning in Montreal. European Transport Research Review, 9(3), 43.Journal article Manaugh, K., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017). Overcoming barriers to cycling: understanding frequency of cycling in a University setting and the factors preventing commuters from cycling on a regular basis.Journal article Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017). The insider : a planners' perspective on accessibility. Journal of Transport Geography, 64, 33-43.Journal article Herrmann, T., Boisjoly, G., Ross, N. A., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017). The Missing Middle : Filling the Gap Between Walkability and Observed Walking Behavior. Transportation Research Record, 2661(2661), 103-110.
- 2016
Journal article Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2016). Daily fluctuations in transit and job availability: A comparative assessment of time-sensitive accessibility measures. Journal of Transport Geography, 52, 73-81.Journal article El-Geneidy, A. M., Levinson, D., Diab, E., Boisjoly, G., Verbich, D., & Loong, C. (2016). The cost of equity : assessing transit accessibility and social disparity using total travel cost. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 91, 302-316.
- 2023
- Conference papers (33)
- 2023
Conference paper Guerrero, B., Maria, L., Boisjoly, G., Trépanier, M., & Jalbert, J. (2023, January). Going the distance: gender differences in travel in Montréal, Canada [Paper]. 102nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..
- 2022
Conference paper Tavakoli, Z., Waygood, O., & Boisjoly, G. (2022, June). Analyzing the accuracy of walk score for different age groups in Montreal, Canada [Abstract]. 7th International Conference on Transport and Health (ICTH 2022) (1 page). Published in Journal of Transport & Health, 25, Supple.Conference paper El Murr, K., Waygood, O., & Boisjoly, G. (2022, June). How good is your basket of parks? A combined index of park quality and accessibility for youth [Abstract]. 7th International Conference on Transport and Health (ICTH 2022) (1 page). Published in Journal of Transport & Health, 25, Supple.
- 2020
Conference paper Wu, H., El-Geneidy, A. M., Stewart, A., Murphy, B., Boisjoly, G., Niedzielski, M., Pereira, R., & Levinson, D. (2020, January). Access across the globe : towards an international comparison of cumulative opportunities [Paper]. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., Miranda-Moreno, L., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2020, January). Accessibility matters : exploring the determinants of public transport mode share income groups in Canadian cities [Paper]. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Cui, B., Boisjoly, G., Wasfi, R., Orpana, H., Manaugh, K., Buliung, R., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2020, January). Spatial access by public transport and likelihood of healthcare consultations at hospitals [Paper]. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Michaud, C., Morency, C., & Boisjoly, G. (2020, January). Transport-related deprivation : assessing the joint effect of vulnerability and neighbourhood accessibility on mobility behaviours in Montréal [Paper]. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..
- 2019
Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Deboosere, R., Wasfi, R., Orpana, H., Manaugh, K., Buliung, R., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2019, January). Accessibility to healthcare across Canada : an assessment of accessibility to hospital via public transport in eight Canadian metropolitan regions [Paper]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2019, June). Assessing the impacts of accessibility by public transport and income on mode choice in Recife, Brazil [Paper]. 15th Biennial NECTAR Conference - Towards Human Scale Cities - Open and Happy, Helsinki, Finland.Conference paper Michaud, C., Morency, C., & Boisjoly, G. (2019, June). Évaluer l'équité d'une offre de transport collectif : une question d'accessibilité! [Paper]. 2e Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité, Montréal, Qc, Canada.Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., Oliveira, G. T., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2019, January). Inequity in transit : evaluating public transport distribution through accessibility measurements in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and Recife, Brazil [Paper]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2019, June). Inequity in transit : evaluating the soci-spatial distribution of public transport services in four metropolitan areas in Brazil [Paper]. 2es Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité, Montréal, Qc, Canada.Conference paper Chaloux, N., Boisjoly, G., Grise, E., El-Geneidy, A. M., & Levinson, D. (2019, January). I only get some satisfaction : introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility [Paper]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Onderwater, M., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2019, January). The influence of travel behaviour, personal preferences and lifestyle on perceived convenience to amenities among Calgary residents [Paper]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..
- 2018
Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., Oliveira, G. T., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, April). Equity in transit : evaluating the socio-spatial distribution of public transport services in Recife [Paper]. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, Louisiana.Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Serra, B., Oliveira, G. T., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, June). Inequity in transit : evaluating the socio-spatial distribution of public transport services in four metropolitan areas in Brazil [Paper]. 15th NECTAR International Conference, Lyon, France.Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Grisé, E., Maguire, M., Veillette, M.-P., Deboosere, R., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, January). Invest in the ride : a longitudinal analysis of the determinants of public transport ridership in 25 North American cities [Paper]. 97th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Grisé, E., Boisjoly, G., Maguire, M., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, January). Show me where we are going : measuring and comparing accessibility to jobs by public transport for individuals with physical disability in Montréal and Toronto, Canada [Paper]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington, D.C..Conference paper Deboosere, R., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, January). Understanding the relationship between changes in accessibility to jobs, income and unemployment in Toronto, Canada [Paper]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), Washington, D.C..Conference paper Onderwater, M., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018, May). What's convenient in travel? A traveler typology linking travel behaviour and perceived convenience among a sample of Calgary residents [Paper]. 55th IMCL Conference on Healthy, 10-Minute Neighborhoods, Ottawa, Ontario.
- 2017
Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017, June). Best practices for integrated land use and transportation planning : a review of indicators of accessibility to destinations in 32 metropolitan transportation plans from around the world [Paper]. 12th Metropolis World Congress, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Deboosere, R., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017, May). Bridging the gap : the impacts of changes in accessibility levels on closing the socio-economic gap in Toronto, Canada [Paper]. 14th NECTAR International Conference, Madrid, Spain.Conference paper El-Geneidy, A. M., van Lierop, D., Grisé, E., & Boisjoly, G. (2017, January). Get on board : assessing an all-door boarding pilot project in Montréal, Canada [Paper]. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017, January). How to get there? A critical assessment of accessibility objectives and indicators in metropolitain transportation plans [Paper]. 96th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., El-Geneidy, A. M., & Grisé, E. (2017, May). Réduire les disparités sociales par l'amélioration de l'accès à l'emploi en transport en commun? Le cas de Toronto, Canada (2001-2011) [Paper]. 85e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017, January). The insider : a planners' perspective on accessibility [Paper]. 96th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Herrmann, T., Boisjoly, G., Ross, N. A., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2017, January). The missing middle : filling the gap between walkability and observed walking behavior [Paper]. 96th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..
- 2016
Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2016, January). Are we connected? Assessing bicycle network performance through directness and connectivity measures : a Montréal, Canada, case study [Paper]. 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2016, March). Daily fluctuations in transit and jobs availability : A comparative assessment of time-sensitive accessibility measures [Paper]. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, Calif..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2016, January). Is complexity better? Assessing accessibility measures that account for daily fluctuations in transit and jobs availability [Paper]. 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper El-Geneidy, A. M., Levinson, D., Diab, E., Boisjoly, G., Verbich, D., & Loong, C. (2016, January). The cost of equity : assessing accessibility by transit and social disparity using total travel cost [Paper]. 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C..Conference paper Boisjoly, G., Moreno-Monroy, A. I., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2016, March). Vulnerability in transit : Assessing accessibility to formal jobs by public transit in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil [Paper]. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, Calif..
- 2014
Conference paper Boisjoly, G. (2014, October). Intégration des enjeux sociaux dans la planification des transports par le biais des plans locaux de déplacements à Montréal [Paper]. 27e Entretiens Jacques-Cartier, Montréal, Québec.
- 2023
- Book chapters (6)
- 2021
Book chapter Boisjoly, G., El-Geneidy, A., & Serra, B. (2021). Avoiding public transport? Assessing the relationship between accessibility, income and commuting mode in Recife, Brazil 40. In Transport in human scale cities .Book chapter Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2021). Public transport equity outcomes through the lens of urban form. In Mulley, C., & Nelson, J. D. (eds.), Urban Form and Accessibility : Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts (223-241).Book chapter Boisjoly, G., & Pereira, R. (2021). Social Issues in transport planning. In Transport in human scale cities .Book chapter Waygood, O., van den Berg, P., & Kemperman, A. (2021). The social dimensions of children's travel. In Pereira, R. H. M., & Boisjoly, G. (eds.), Advances in Transport Policy and Planning (71-100).
- 2018
Book chapter van Lierop, D., Boisjoly, G., El-Geneidy, A. M., & Grisé, E. (2018). Evolution in land use and transport research. In Planning knowledge and research .Book chapter Deboosere, R., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. M. (2018). Understanding the relationship between changes in accessibility to jobs, income and unemployment in Toronto, Canada. In A companion to transport, space and equity (9-24).
- 2021
- Reports (11)
- 2022
Report Babbar, P., Peace, J., Cooper, D., Boisjoly, G., & Grisé, E. (2022). Understanding and responding to the transit needs of women in Canada. (Report).
- 2020
Report Lachapelle, U., Boisjoly, G., & Vermesch, P. (2020). Réalisation d'un portrait des besoins et des habitudes de déplacements des personnes vivant en situation de précarité dans la région de Montréal. (Report).
- 2017
Report Grisé, E., Veillette, M.-P., Ratti, N., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2017). Évaluation de la demande et recommandations pour de nouvelles infrastructures cyclables à Québec. (Technical Report).Report Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2017). Measuring performance : accessibility metrics in metropolitan regions around the world. (Technical Report).
- 2016
Report Verbich, D., Grisé, E., Boisjoly, G., Van Lierop, D., & El-Geneidy, A. (2016). Résultats de la consultation auprès des cyclistes de la ville de Québec. (Technical Report).
- 2015
Report van Lierop, D., Langlois, M., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2015). Certificat cycliste averti : evaluating a bicycle education program in Montréal, Québec. (Technical Report).Report Boisjoly, G., Verbich, D., Loong, C., & El-Geneidy, A. (2015). Portrait de l'accessibilité à Montréal : rapport du diagnostic. (Technical Report).Report Boisjoly, G., Verbich, D., Loong, C., & El-Geneidy, A. (2015). Portrait de l'accessibilité à Montréal : rapport sur l'accessibilité des lieux en transport en commun et en vélo. (Technical Report).Report Boisjoly, G., Verbich, D., Loong, C., & El-Geneidy, A. (2015). Portrait de l'accessibilité à Montréal : rapport sur l'état de la situation des options de mobilité durable. (Technical Report).Report Meloche, J., Morency, C., Paulhiac Scherrer, F., Boisjoly, G., Fortin, P., & Goulet, L. (2015). Réflexions théoriques et méthodologiques sur les outils de connaissances et d'analyse du stationnement. (Technical Report).Report Loong, C., Verbich, D., Boisjoly, G., & El-Geneidy, A. (2015). Report on the validation of the 2008 O-D survey non-standard data. (Technical Report).
- 2022