Paques, M., Chakraborty, A., Changeux, B., Miao, H. Y., Muhammad, W., Turenne, S., Inal, K., & Martin, É. (2024). Comparative assessment of Ti-6Al-4 V titanium alloy fatigue life improvement by vibratory peening, shot peening, and vibratory finishing. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 14447 (19 pages).
Directory of Experts
Turenne, Sylvain

Directory of Experts
Turenne, Sylvain
Directory of Experts
Publications by type
Journal article (60)
Conference paper (34)
Book chapter (2)
Teaching resource
Audio recording
Video recording
Sylvain Turenne (96)
- Journal articles (60)
- 2024
Journal article Journal article Mouret, T., Upreti, K., Dewart, F., Scola, A., Pons, A., Marchais, A., Eberling-Fux, N., Queva, A., & Turenne, S. (2024). 3D observations of room temperature capillary infiltration mechanism in SiC compacts. Ceramics International, 50(7), 11871-11883.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2024). Self-contained calibration samples and measurements of the thermoelectric figure of merit: A method to improve accuracy. Journal of Applied Physics, 135(11), 0200082 (11 pages).
- 2023
Journal article Marousi, M., Rimpault, X., Turenne, S., & Balazinski, M. (2023). Initial tool wear and process monitoring during titanium metal matrix composite machining (TiMMC). Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 86, 208-220.
- 2022
Journal article Kamalizadeh, S., Niknam, S. A., Balazinski, M., & Turenne, S. (2022). The Use of TOPSIS Method for Multi-Objective Optimization in Milling Ti-MMC. Metals, 12(11), 18 pages.
- 2021
Journal article Turcot, G., Paquet, D., Lévesque, M., & Turenne, S. (2021). A novel inverse methodology for the extraction of bulk elasto-plastic tensile properties of metals using spherical instrumented indentation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 236-237, 20 pages.Journal article Memarianpour, M., Niknam, S. A., Turenne, S., & Balazinski, M. (2021). Study of the effects of initial cutting conditions and transition period on ultimate tool life when machining inconel 718. Materials, 14(3), 592 (13 pages).
- 2020
Journal article Masut, R. A., André, C., Vasilevskiy, D., & Turenne, S. (2020). Charge transport anisotropy in hot extruded bismuth telluride: Scattering by acoustic phonons. Journal of Applied Physics, 128(11), 10 pages.Journal article Memarianpour, M., Niknam, S. A., Turenne, S., & Balazinski, M. (2020). Initial Tool Wear Behavior in High-Speed Turning of Inconel 718. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 44(3), 395-404.
- 2019
Journal article Mohammadian, N., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2019). Electropolishing of laser powder bed-fused IN625 components in an ionic electrolyte. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(4), 86 (20 pages).Journal article Keshavarz, M. K., Lo, C.-W. T., Turenne, S., Mozharivskyj, Y., & Quitoriano, N. J. (2019). Hot Extrusion of ZnSb-Based Thermoelectric Materials; A Novel Approach for Scale-Up Production. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(3), 58-58.Journal article Inaekyan, K., Kreitcberg, A., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2019). Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed-fused IN625 alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 768, 13 pages.Journal article Kreitcberg, A., Inaekyan, K., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2019). Temperature- and time-dependent mechanical behavior of post-treated IN625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(3), 75 (18 pages).
- 2018
Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2018). A Phenomenological Model of Unconventional Heat Transport Induced by Phase Transition in Cu2−xSe. Journal of Electronic Materials, 48(4), 1883-1888.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Keshavarz, M. K., Simard, J.-M., Masut, R. A., Turenne, S., & Snyder, G. J. (2018). Assessing the thermal conductivity of Cu2xSe alloys undergoing a phase transition via the simultaneous measurement of thermoelectric parameters by a Harman-based setup. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(6), 3314-3319.Journal article Lebel, L., Boukhili, R., & Turenne, S. (2018). Damage to an A-N720 ceramic matrix composite under simulated gas turbine static component conditions using laser heating. Journal of Composite Materials, 52(30), 4127-4138.Journal article Demers, V., Fareh, F., Turenne, S., Demarquette, N. R., & Scalzo, O. (2018). Experimental study on moldability and segregation of Inconel 718 feedstocks used in low-pressure powder injection molding. Advanced Powder Technology, 29(1), 180-190.Journal article Verdier, P., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2018). Microstructure and Thermoelectric Properties of Hot Extruded Sb-Doped Mg₂Si Using MoS₂ Nano-particles as Lubricant. Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(11), 6833-6841.Journal article Scola, A., Eberling-Fux, N., Turenne, S., & Ruiz, E. (2018). New liquid processing of oxide/oxide 3D wowen ceramic matrix composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(6), 3256-3268.Journal article Scola, A., Podgorski, M., Eberling-Fux, N., Turenne, S., & Ruiz, E. (2018). Novel device for in situ process characterization of oxide/oxide ceramic matrix composites fabricated by flexible injection. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(5), 2337-2352.Journal article Keshavarz, M. K., Turenne, S., & Bonakdar, A. (2018). Solidification behavior of inconel 713LC gas turbine blades during electron beam welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 31, 232-239.Journal article Mohammadian, N., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (2018). Surface finish control of additively-manufactured Inconel 625 components using combined chemical-abrasive flow polishing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252, 728-738.
- 2017
Journal article Lebel, L., Turenne, S., & Boukhili, R. (2017). An experimental apparatus and procedure for the simulation of thermal stresses in gas turbine combustion chamber panels made of ceramic matrix composites. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139(9), 11 pages.Journal article Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2017). Effect of heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 689, 1-10.Journal article Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2017). Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of IN625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion. Materials Science and Engineering A, 700, 540-553.Journal article Fareh, F., Demers, V., Demarquette, N. R., Turenne, S., & Scalzo, O. (2017). Influence of segregation on rheological properties of wax-based feedstocks. Powder Technology, 320, 273-284.
- 2016
Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Simard, J. M., Caillat, T., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2016). Consistency of ZT-Scanner for Thermoelectric Measurements from 300 K to 700 K: A Comparative Analysis Using Si₈₀Ge₂₀ Polycrystalline Alloys. Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(3), 1540-1547.Journal article Bercegol, A., Christophe, V., Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2016). Hot extruded polycrystalline Mg₂Si with embedded XS₂ nano-particles (X: Mo, W). Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(5), 2668-2675.Journal article Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2016). Mechanical properties of bismuth telluride based alloys with embedded MoS2nano-particles. Materials & Design, 103, 114-121.Journal article Demers, V., Demarquette, N. R., Turenne, S., & Scalzo, O. (2016). Molding Properties of Inconel 718 Feedstocks Used in Low-Pressure Powder Injection Molding. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 1-7.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Simard, J. M., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2016). Reduction of Specimen Size for the Full Simultaneous Characterization of Thermoelectric Performance. Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(5), 3007-3011.
- 2015
Journal article Demers, V., Turenne, S., & Scalzo, O. (2015). Impact of binders on viscosity of low-pressure powder injection molded Inconel 718 superalloy. Journal of Materials Science, 50(7), 2893-2902.Journal article Demers, V., Turenne, S., & Scalzo, O. (2015). Segregation measurement of powder injection molding feedstock using thermogravimetric analysis, pycnometer density and differential scanning calorimetry techniques. Advanced Powder Technology, 26(3), 997-1004.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Simard, J. M., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2015). System for Simultaneous Harman-Based Measurement of All Thermoelectric Properties, from 240 to 720 K, by Use of a Novel Calibration Procedure. Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(6), 1733-1742.Journal article Behrang, A., Grmela, M., Dubois, C., Turenne, S., & Lafleur, P. (2015). Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in hybrid nanodispersions. RSC Advances, 5(4), 2768-2776.
- 2014
Journal article Behrang, A., Grmela, M., Dubois, C., Turenne, S., Lafleur, P., & Lebon, G. (2014). Effective heat conduction in dispersion of wires. Applied Physics Letters, 104(6), 063106-063106.Journal article Behrang, A., Grmela, M., Dubois, C., Lafleur, P., Lebon, G., & Turenne, S. (2014). Effective heat conduction in hybrid sphere & wire nanodispersions. Applied Physics Letters, 104(23), 233111-233111.Journal article Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2014). Synthesis and characterization of bismuth telluride-based thermoelectric nanocomposites containing MoS2 nano-inclusions. Materials Characterization, 95, 44-49.
- 2013
Journal article Behrang, A., Grmela, M., Dubois, C., Turenne, S., & Lafleur, P. (2013). Influence of particle-matrix interface, temperature, and agglomeration on heat conduction in dispersions. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(1).
- 2012
Journal article Martel, A., Arreguin-Zavala, J., Benaissa, A., Turenne, S., & Julien, B. (2012). Conventional and microwave sintering of MoSi₂ nanostructured powder : Powder and parts characterisation. Powder Metallurgy, 55(3), 206-211.Journal article Arreguin-Zavala, J., Turenne, S., Martel, A., & Benaissa, A. (2012). Microwave Sintering of MoSi₂-Mo₅Si₃ to Promote a Final Nanometer-Scale Microstructure and Suppressing of Pesting Phenomenon. Materials Characterization, 68, 117-122.
- 2011
Journal article Andre, C., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2011). Increase in the density of states in n-type extruded (Bi₍₁₋ₓ₎Sbₓ)₂(Te₍₁₋y₎Sey)₃ thermoelectric alloys. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44(23), 235401-235401.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Bourbia, O., Gosselin, S., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2011). Nanostructure characterization of bismuth telluride-based powders and extruded alloys by various experimental methods. Journal of Electronic Materials, 40(5), 1046-1051.
- 2010
Journal article Turenne, S., Clin, T., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (2010). Finite element thermomechanical modeling of large area thermoelectric generators based on bismuth telluride alloys. Journal of Electronic Materials, 39(9), 1926-1933.Journal article Vasilevskiy, D., Dawood, M. S., Masse, J.-P., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2010). Generation of nanosized particles during mechanical alloying and their evolution through the hot extrusion process in bismuth-telluride-based alloys. Journal of Electronic Materials, 39(9), 1890-1896.
- 2009
Journal article Lapointe, F., Turenne, S., & Julien, B. (2009). Low viscosity feedstocks for powder injection moulding. Powder Metallurgy, 52(4), 338-344.Journal article Scalzo, O., Turenne, S., Gauthier, M., & Brailovski, V. (2009). Mechanical and microstructural characterization of porous NiTi shape memory alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 40(9), 2061-2070.
- 2006
Journal article Prokoshkin, S. D., Korotitskiy, A. V., Tamonov, A. V., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2006). Comparative X-Ray and Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction Studies of Martensite Crystal Lattice in Stressed and Unstressed Binary Ti-Ni Alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 438, 549-552.
- 2004
Journal article Brochu, M., & Turenne, S. (2004). Experimental method for determining densification function of metal powder and its validity. Powder Metallurgy, 47(1), 55-59.Journal article Prokoshkin, S. D., Korotitskiy, A. V., Brailovski, V., Turenne, S., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., & Trubitsyna, I. B. (2004). On the Lattice Parameters of Phases in Binary Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys. ACTA Materialia, 52(15), 4479-4492.Journal article Prokoshkin, S. D., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Brailovski, V., Trochu, F., Turenne, S., & Turilina, V. Y. (2004). Thermomechanical treatments and their influence on the microstructure and stress/strain diagrams of NiTi shape memory alloys. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 43(1), 95-108.
- 2003
Journal article Prokoshkin, S. D., Brailovskii, V., Turenne, S., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Korotitskii, A. V., & Trubitsyna, I. B. (2003). On the Lattice Parameters of the B19 ' Martensite in Binary Ti-Ni Shape-Memory Alloys. Physics of Metals and Metallography, 96(1), 55-64.Journal article Turenne, S., Bélanger, F., & Simard, J. M. (2003). PM trims costs and speeds production of sensor materials. Metal Powder Report, 58(7), 46-50.
- 2002
Journal article Hernandez, R., Polizu, S., Turenne, S., & Yahia, L. (2002). Characteristics of Porous Nickel-Titanium Alloys for Medical Applications. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 12(1), 37-45.
- 2000
Journal article Turenne, S., Godère, C., & Thomas, Y. (2000). Effect of Temperature on the Behaviour of Lubricants During Powder Compaction. Powder Metallurgy, 43(2), 139-142.Journal article Turenne, S., Prokoshkin, S., Brailovski, V., & Sacépé, N. (2000). Mechanical and X-Ray Characterisation of the Assisted Two-Way Shape Memory Effect in Niti. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 39(2), 217-224.Journal article Prokoshkin, S. D., Turenne, S., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Brailovski, V., & Trochu, F. (2000). Structural Mechanisms of High-Temperature Shape Changes in Titanium-Nickel Alloys After Low-Temperature Thermomechanical Treatment. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 39(2), 225-233.
- 1999
Journal article Trochu, F., Sacépé, N., Volkov, O., & Turenne, S. (1999). Characterization of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys Using Dual Kriging Interpolation. Materials Science and Engineering. Part A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing, 275, 395-399.Journal article Turenne, S., Godère, C., Thomas, Y., & Mongeon, P. E. (1999). Evaluation of friction conditions in powder compaction for admixed and die wall lubrication. Powder Metallurgy, 42(3), 263-268.Journal article Turenne, S., Legros, N., Laplante, S., & Ajersch, F. (1999). Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Matrix Composite During Extrusion in the Semisolid State. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 30(4), 1137-1146.
- 2024
- Conference papers (34)
- 2024
Conference paper Sadallah, A., Miao, H.-Y., Changeux, B., Bitar-Nehme, E., Chakraborty, A., Turenne, S., & Martin, É. (2024, March). Effect of Shot Peening and High-Temperature Shot Peening on the High Cycle Fatigue of 7010-T7452 Aluminum Alloy [Paper]. Light Metals 2024 (TMS 2024), Orlando, FL, USA.
- 2023
Conference paper Paques, M., Changeux, B., Das, A., Miao, H., Lévesque, M., Turenne, S., & Martin, É. (2023, March). Effect of the Vibratory Peening Parameters on Surface Properties of Ti-6Al-4V [Paper]. 152nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS 2023), San Diego, CA, USA.Conference paper Sadallah, A., Changeux, B., Miao, H.-Y., Das, A., Turenne, S., & Martin, É. (2023, March). Experimental Investigation of the Effect of High-Temperature Shot Peening on the Surface Integrity of 7010-T7452 Aluminum Alloy [Paper]. Light Metals Symposium held at the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition (TMS 2023), San Diego, CA, USA.
- 2018
Conference paper Memarianpour, M., Niknam, S. A., Turenne, S., & Balazinski, M. (2018, December). Initial Tool Wear Mechanism in Dry and Lubricated Turning of Inconel 718 [Paper]. International Conference on Advances in Engineering Research and Application (ICERA 2018), Thai Nguyen, Vietnam.
- 2017
Conference paper Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., & Turenne, S. (2017, June). The build orientation-dependent ductility of IN625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion [Paper]. 14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 2017), Rhodes, Greece.
- 2016
Conference paper Kreitcberg, A., Brailovski, V., Turenne, S., Chanal, C., & Urlea, V. (2016, May). Influence of thermo- and HIP treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of IN625 alloy parts produced by selective laser melting: A comparative study [Paper]. 9th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC 2016), Graz, Austria.
- 2015
Conference paper Fareh, F., Demers, V., Turenne, S., & Scalzo, O. (2015, December). Segregation measurement of inconel 718 feedstocks used in low-pressure metal injection molding [Paper]. International Conference on Advanced Materials Engineering and Technology (ICAMET 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.Conference paper Lebel, L., Turenne, S., & Boukhili, R. (2015, May). Testing ceramic matrix composites for gas turbine combustion chamber panels [Paper]. 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and AGM 3rd GARDN Conference, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Lebel, L., Turenne, S., & Boukhili, R. (2015, May). Thermal stresses in gas turbine combustion chamber panels made of ceramic matrix composites [Paper]. 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and AGM 3rd GARDN Conference, Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Carmona, J.-P., Birglen, L., Chaussée, J., Dervault, F., Deshaies, M., Boileau, E., & Turenne, S. (2015, May). Topology optimization of a flap track support for additive manufacturing [Paper]. 62nd CASI Aeronautics Conference and AGM 3rd GARDN Conference, Montréal, Québec.
- 2014
Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Keshavarz, M. K., Dufourcq, J., Ihou-Mouko, H., Navonne, C., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2014, September). Bulk Mg₂Si based n-type thermoelectric material produced by gas atomization and hot extrusion [Paper]. 12th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT 2014), Madrid, Espagne. Published in Materials Today: Proceedings, 2(2).
- 2013
Conference paper Prieto-Vargas, L., Turenne, S., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (2013, October). Design optimization by numerical simulation of segmented-legs Bi 2Te3 based thermoelectric generator module [Paper]. Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition (MS and T 2013), Montréal, Québec.Conference paper Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2013, June). Effect of suppression of grain growth of hot extruded (Bi 0.2Sb0.8)2Te3 thermoelectric alloys by MoS2 nanoparticles [Paper]. International Conference on Thermoelectrics 2013, Kobe, Japan. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 43(6).
- 2012
Conference paper Arreguin-Zavala, J., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2012, July). Microwave sintering of Bi₂Te₃- and PbTe-based alloys: Structure and thermoelectric properties [Paper]. ICT/ECT Joint Conference 2012, Aalborg, Denmark. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 42(7).Conference paper Picard, M., Turenne, S., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (2012, July). Numerical simulation of performance and thermomechanical behavior of thermoelectric modules with segmented bismuth-telluride-based legs [Paper]. ICT/ECT Joint Conference 2012, Aalborg, Denmark. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 42(7).Conference paper Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2012, July). P-Type bismuth telluride based composite thermoelectric materials produced by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion [Paper]. ICT/ECT Joint Conference 2012, Aalborg, Denmark. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 42(7).
- 2011
Conference paper Kashi, S., Keshavarz, M. K., Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2011, July). Effect of Surface Preparation on Mechanical Properties of Ni Contacts on Polycrystalline (Bi₁₋ₓSbₓ)₂(Te₁₋y Sey)₃ Alloys [Paper]. 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2011), Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 41(6).Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2011, July). Thermoelectric and Mechanical Properties of Novel Hot-Extruded PbTe n-Type Material [Paper]. 30th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2011), Traverse City, Michigan, USA. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 41(6).
- 2010
Conference paper Julien, B., Ste-Marie, M., Pelletier, R., Lapointe, F., & Turenne, S. (2010, June). Parametric modeling of MIM as-sintered properties of stainless steel 17-4PH and 316L using a statistical model [Paper]. International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials (PowderMet 2010), Hollywood, FL, United states.
- 2008
Conference paper Andre, C., Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2008, August). Extruded bismuth-telluride-based n-type alloys for waste heat thermoelectric recovery applications [Paper]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7).Conference paper Clin, T., Turenne, S., Vasilevskiy, D., & Masut, R. A. (2008, August). Numerical simulation of the thermomechanical behavior of extruded bismuth telluride alloy module [Paper]. 27th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Corvallis, Oregon. Published in Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(7).Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2008, July). Thermoelectric extruded alloys for module manufacturing : 10 years of development at École Polytechnique de Montréal [Paper]. 5th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Paris, France.
- 2006
Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Roy, F., Renaud, E., Masut, R. A., & Turenne, S. (2006, August). Mechanical Properties of the Interface Between Nickel Contact and Extruded (Bi₁₋ₓSbₓ)₂(Te₁₋ySey)₃ [Paper]. 25th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Vienne, Autriche.
- 2005
Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Semenyuk, V., & Turenne, S. (2005, September). Properties of cooling modules produced form (Bi,Sb)₂(Te,Se)₃ hot extruded alloys [Paper]. 3rd European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Nancy, France.Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Frechette, P., Turenne, S., & Masut, R. A. (2005, June). Thermoelectric properties and transport phenomena in (Bi₁₋ₓSbₓ)₂(Te₁₋ySey)₃ quaternary n-type alloys produced by powder metallurgy and extrusion [Paper]. 24th International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2005), Clemson, SC, USA.
- 2003
Conference paper Simard, J. M., Vasilevskiy, D., & Turenne, S. (2003, August). Influence of composition and texture on the thermoelectric and mechanical properties of extruded (Bi1-xSbx)2 (Te1-ySey)3 alloys [Paper]. 22nd international conference on thermoelectrics (ICT 2003), La Grande Motte, France.
- 2002
Conference paper Prokoshkin, S. D., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Brailovski, V., Trochu, F., Turenne, S., Turilina, V. Y., & Inaekyan, K. E. (2002, June). Comparative study of structure and strain diagram changes in Ti-Ni alloys thermomechanically treated in martensitic or austenitic states [Paper]. International Conference on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2002), Espoo, Finland. Published in Journal de physique. IV, 112.Conference paper Prokoshkin, S. D., Brailovski, V., Turenne, S., Khmelevskaya, I. Y., Korotitskiy, A. V., & Trubitsyna, I. B. (2002, June). Concentration temperature and deformation dependences of martensite lattice parameters in binary Ti-Ni shape memory alloys [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 2002), Espoo, Finlande. Published in Journal de physique. IV, 112.Conference paper Vasilevskiy, D., Simard, J.-M., Bélanger, F., Bernier, F., Turenne, S., & L'Écuyer, J. (2002, January). Texture formation in extruded rods of (BiSb)₂(TeSe)₃ thermoelectric alloys [Paper]. 21st International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2002), Long Beach, California, USA.
- 2000
Conference paper Beaulieu, A., Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., Turenne, S., Pineau, F., & Loong, C. A. (2000, June). Numerical modeling and experimental analysis of die cast semi-solidA356 alloy [Paper]. Merton C. Flemings Symposium on Solidification and Materials Processing, Cambridge, MA, USA.
- 1999
Conference paper Sacépé, N., Turenne, S., & Brailovski, V. (1999, August). Combined analysis of the assisted two-way shape memory effect in NiTi. [Paper]. International Symposium on Shape Memory Alloys, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
- 1996
Conference paper Laplante, S., Legros, N., Ajersch, F., Clément, B., & Turenne, S. (1996, January). Extrusion of thixocast semi-solid A356-12SiCp cylindrical sections [Paper]. 4th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, Sheffield.
- 1987
Conference paper Dickson, J. I., Turenne, S., Bailon, J.-P., & Vogt, J. B. (1987, September). The Formation of Ribbon-Like Extrusions and Intrusions During the Cyclic Deformation of Copper [Paper]. 2nd International Symposium on Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials, Munich, Germany.
- 1985
Conference paper Dickson, J. I., Turenne, S., Vogt, J. B., & Bailon, J.-P. (1985, August). The Formation of Extrusions and Intrusions in Copper and in a Mild Steel [Paper]. 7th International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys (ICSMA 7), Montréal, Québec.
- 2024
- Book chapters (2)
- 2003
Book chapter Turenne, S. (2003). Characterization of shape memory alloys. In Shape memory alloys: fundamentals, modeling and applications (pp. 131-178).Book chapter Trochu, F., & Turenne, S. (2003). Fatigue and degradation. In Shape memory alloys: fundamentals, modeling and applications (pp. 311-342).
- 2003