Répertoire des expertises Daria Camilla Boffito Main profile Main profile Daria Camilla Boffito Full Professor Department of Chemical Engineering daria-camilla.boffito@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Reaction fundamentals and reactor design Synthesis Other sources of energy (solar, wind, etc.) Catalysis, kinetics Inorganic photochemistry Catalysis Kinetics, reactive intermediaries and mechanisms of reactions Inorganic chemistry Synthetic methodology Full Professor Department of Chemical Engineering daria-camilla.boffito@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Reaction fundamentals and reactor design Synthesis Other sources of energy (solar, wind, etc.) Catalysis, kinetics Inorganic photochemistry Catalysis Kinetics, reactive intermediaries and mechanisms of reactions Inorganic chemistry Synthetic methodology
Répertoire des expertises Jalal Hawari Main profile Main profile Jalal Hawari Adjunct Professor Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering jalal.hawari@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Environmental engineering Biomaterials Analytical chemistry Organic chemistry Soil science Bioremediation Adjunct Professor Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering jalal.hawari@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Environmental engineering Biomaterials Analytical chemistry Organic chemistry Soil science Bioremediation
Répertoire des expertises Surface, interface and soft matter research laboratory Laboratory Department of Chemical Engineering Areas of expertises Chemical engineering Materials science and technology Materials processing/fabrication Polymers and coatings Composites Surface and interfacial chemistry Photochemistry and photophysics Surfaces, interfaces and thin films Biopolymers Organic photochemistry Water resources and supply Thin films/interfaces Environment Food science and technology Thermodynamics Multi-phase systems Soft condensed matter Properties of polymers Primary sphere of excellence in research Innovative Materials Main profile
Répertoire des expertises Jason Robert Tavares Main profile Main profile Jason Robert Tavares Full Professor Department of Chemical Engineering jason.tavares@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Chemical engineering Materials science and technology Materials processing/fabrication Polymers and coatings Composites Surface and interfacial chemistry Photochemistry and photophysics Surfaces, interfaces and thin films Biopolymers Organic photochemistry Water resources and supply Thin films/interfaces Environment Food science and technology Primary sphere of excellence in research Innovative Materials Secondary sphere(s) of excellence in research Energy, Water and, Resources Full Professor Department of Chemical Engineering jason.tavares@polymtl.ca Areas of expertises Chemical engineering Materials science and technology Materials processing/fabrication Polymers and coatings Composites Surface and interfacial chemistry Photochemistry and photophysics Surfaces, interfaces and thin films Biopolymers Organic photochemistry Water resources and supply Thin films/interfaces Environment Food science and technology