Répertoire des expertises
Polytechnique Montreal
Directory of Experts

Polytechnique Montreal
Directory of Experts
Filter by expertise type
- Acoustics (4) Apply Acoustics filter
- Adaptive, learning and evolutionary systems (9) Apply Adaptive, learning and evolutionary systems filter
- Advanced manufacturing (17) Apply Advanced manufacturing filter
- Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering (28) Apply Aerospace, aeronautical and automotive engineering filter
- Agricultural engineering (1) Apply Agricultural engineering filter
- Air and noise pollution (3) Apply Air and noise pollution filter
- Algorithms (15) Apply Algorithms filter
- Analytical chemistry (3) Apply Analytical chemistry filter
- Animal biology (2) Apply Animal biology filter
- Antennas and propagation (3) Apply Antennas and propagation filter
- Applied geophysics (5) Apply Applied geophysics filter
- Applied mathematics (56) Apply Applied mathematics filter
- Applied probability (6) Apply Applied probability filter
- Applied statistics (5) Apply Applied statistics filter
- Aquatic ecology and limnology (1) Apply Aquatic ecology and limnology filter
- Artificial intelligence (42) Apply Artificial intelligence filter
- Atomic and molecular studies (2) Apply Atomic and molecular studies filter
- Behavioural neuroscience (1) Apply Behavioural neuroscience filter
- Behavioural neuroscience - reward, motivation (1) Apply Behavioural neuroscience - reward, motivation filter
- Bioanalytical chemistry (2) Apply Bioanalytical chemistry filter
- Biochemical engineering (4) Apply Biochemical engineering filter
- Biochemistry (1) Apply Biochemistry filter
- Biomaterials (7) Apply Biomaterials filter
- Biomechanics (7) Apply Biomechanics filter
- Biomedical engineering (38) Apply Biomedical engineering filter
- Biomedical materials (11) Apply Biomedical materials filter
- Biomedical technology (23) Apply Biomedical technology filter
- Biophysical chemistry (1) Apply Biophysical chemistry filter
- Biophysics (6) Apply Biophysics filter
- Biopolymers (4) Apply Biopolymers filter
- Bioremediation (1) Apply Bioremediation filter
- Bioremediation (3) Apply Bioremediation filter
- Catalysis (2) Apply Catalysis filter
- Catalysis, kinetics (1) Apply Catalysis, kinetics filter
- Cell biology (2) Apply Cell biology filter
- Cell secretion (1) Apply Cell secretion filter
- Ceramics (1) Apply Ceramics filter
- Chemical engineering (31) Apply Chemical engineering filter
- Chemistry and mineralogy (1) Apply Chemistry and mineralogy filter
- Circuit theory (4) Apply Circuit theory filter
- Civil engineering (42) Apply Civil engineering filter
- Classical and quantum physics (4) Apply Classical and quantum physics filter
- Cognitive science - development (1) Apply Cognitive science - development filter
- Cognitive science - fundamental (2) Apply Cognitive science - fundamental filter
- Combinatorics (1) Apply Combinatorics filter
- Combustion (3) Apply Combustion filter
- Combustion (1) Apply Combustion filter
- Communication and information theory (4) Apply Communication and information theory filter
- Communications networks (8) Apply Communications networks filter
- Communications systems (6) Apply Communications systems filter
- Complexity (3) Apply Complexity filter
- Composites (12) Apply Composites filter
- Computer architecture and design (8) Apply Computer architecture and design filter
- Computer hardware (4) Apply Computer hardware filter
- Computer systems organization (6) Apply Computer systems organization filter
- Computer systems software (11) Apply Computer systems software filter
- Computer vision (13) Apply Computer vision filter
- Concrete (1) Apply Concrete filter
- Concrete: materials and structures (7) Apply Concrete: materials and structures filter
- Condensed matter physics (22) Apply Condensed matter physics filter
- Construction engineering and management (4) Apply Construction engineering and management filter
- Continuum mechanics (9) Apply Continuum mechanics filter
- Control systems (14) Apply Control systems filter
- Cybersecurity (11) Apply Cybersecurity filter
- Database management (3) Apply Database management filter
- Data communications (4) Apply Data communications filter
- Design and manufacturing (29) Apply Design and manufacturing filter
- Digital signal processing (10) Apply Digital signal processing filter
- Distributed and parallel processing (6) Apply Distributed and parallel processing filter
- Dynamics (7) Apply Dynamics filter
- Earthquake engineering (5) Apply Earthquake engineering filter
- Earth science (6) Apply Earth science filter
- Economic geology (1) Apply Economic geology filter
- Ecotoxicology (2) Apply Ecotoxicology filter
- (-) Remove Electrical and electronic engineering filter Electrical and electronic engineering
- Electrochemistry (4) Apply Electrochemistry filter
- Electromagnetics, compatibility and interference (9) Apply Electromagnetics, compatibility and interference filter
- Electronic circuits and devices (6) Apply Electronic circuits and devices filter
- Electronic materials and components (4) Apply Electronic materials and components filter
- Electronic properties of solids (8) Apply Electronic properties of solids filter
- Electrophysiology (1) Apply Electrophysiology filter
- Energy (11) Apply Energy filter
- Energy conversion and distribution (7) Apply Energy conversion and distribution filter
- Engineering design (4) Apply Engineering design filter
- Environment (8) Apply Environment filter
- Environmental engineering (25) Apply Environmental engineering filter
- Environmental geochemistry (2) Apply Environmental geochemistry filter
- Environmental geology (2) Apply Environmental geology filter
- Environmental geophysics (1) Apply Environmental geophysics filter
- Evolution and ecology (3) Apply Evolution and ecology filter
- Experimental methods and instrumentation (10) Apply Experimental methods and instrumentation filter
- Expert systems (2) Apply Expert systems filter
- Flexible robots (3) Apply Flexible robots filter
- Fluid mechanics (41) Apply Fluid mechanics filter
- Food science and technology (2) Apply Food science and technology filter
- Fuel and energy technology (11) Apply Fuel and energy technology filter
- Geochemistry and geochronology (3) Apply Geochemistry and geochronology filter
- Geochronology (1) Apply Geochronology filter
- Geophysics (6) Apply Geophysics filter
- Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology) (13) Apply Geotechnical engineering (including engineering geology) filter
- Geothermal energy (1) Apply Geothermal energy filter
- Graphics (5) Apply Graphics filter
- Groundwater (7) Apply Groundwater filter
- Heat transfer (5) Apply Heat transfer filter
- Human factors engineering (9) Apply Human factors engineering filter
- Hydraulic engineering (5) Apply Hydraulic engineering filter
- (-) Remove Hydraulics filter Hydraulics
- Hydrogeochemistry (1) Apply Hydrogeochemistry filter
- Hydrologic engineering (5) Apply Hydrologic engineering filter
- Hydrology (13) Apply Hydrology filter
- Image and video processing (11) Apply Image and video processing filter
- Industrial engineering (45) Apply Industrial engineering filter
- Industry 4.0 (12) Apply Industry 4.0 filter
- Information systems design (9) Apply Information systems design filter
- Information technology (95) Apply Information technology filter
- Inorganic chemistry (2) Apply Inorganic chemistry filter
- Inorganic photochemistry (1) Apply Inorganic photochemistry filter
- Instrumentation and measurements (11) Apply Instrumentation and measurements filter
- Integrated circuits (5) Apply Integrated circuits filter
- Intelligent systems applications (16) Apply Intelligent systems applications filter
- Irrigation (1) Apply Irrigation filter
- Kinesiology (1) Apply Kinesiology filter
- Kinetic and transport theory of fluids, physical properties of gases (2) Apply Kinetic and transport theory of fluids, physical properties of gases filter
- Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions (1) Apply Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions filter
- Kinetics, reactive intermediaries and mechanisms of reactions (1) Apply Kinetics, reactive intermediaries and mechanisms of reactions filter
- Knowledge representation (6) Apply Knowledge representation filter
- Lasers (8) Apply Lasers filter
- Learning and inference theories (9) Apply Learning and inference theories filter
- Life sciences research related to human health and disease (3) Apply Life sciences research related to human health and disease filter
- Linear and non-linear systems (8) Apply Linear and non-linear systems filter
- Logic programming (1) Apply Logic programming filter
- Logistics (13) Apply Logistics filter
- Low temperature physics (1) Apply Low temperature physics filter
- Magnetic materials (2) Apply Magnetic materials filter
- Magnetic properties and magnetic materials (3) Apply Magnetic properties and magnetic materials filter
- Management information systems (3) Apply Management information systems filter
- Management of technology (3) Apply Management of technology filter
- Management science and technology (2) Apply Management science and technology filter
- Manufacturing (5) Apply Manufacturing filter
- Materials processing/fabrication (9) Apply Materials processing/fabrication filter
- Materials science and technology (46) Apply Materials science and technology filter
- Materials structure, properties and testing (12) Apply Materials structure, properties and testing filter
- Mathematical biology and physiology (4) Apply Mathematical biology and physiology filter
- Mathematical geology (1) Apply Mathematical geology filter
- Mathematical modelling (34) Apply Mathematical modelling filter
- Mathematical physics (3) Apply Mathematical physics filter
- Mathematics of communications (1) Apply Mathematics of communications filter
- Mathematics of computing (4) Apply Mathematics of computing filter
- Mechanical engineering (68) Apply Mechanical engineering filter
- Mechanical systems and instrumentation (6) Apply Mechanical systems and instrumentation filter
- Medical physics (2) Apply Medical physics filter
- Medical sciences (4) Apply Medical sciences filter
- Mesoscopic physics (1) Apply Mesoscopic physics filter
- Metallurgy/metals/alloys (5) Apply Metallurgy/metals/alloys filter
- Microbiology (2) Apply Microbiology filter
- Microelectronics (6) Apply Microelectronics filter
- Microwave and millimeterwave devices, circuits and technologies (4) Apply Microwave and millimeterwave devices, circuits and technologies filter
- Mineral physics (1) Apply Mineral physics filter
- Mining and mineral processing (11) Apply Mining and mineral processing filter
- Mining engineering (8) Apply Mining engineering filter
- Mobile and personal communication (7) Apply Mobile and personal communication filter
- Modelling and simulation studies (8) Apply Modelling and simulation studies filter
- Modelling, simulation (31) Apply Modelling, simulation filter
- Modelling, simulation and finite element methods (36) Apply Modelling, simulation and finite element methods filter
- Motor systems and performance (1) Apply Motor systems and performance filter
- Multimedia systems and networks (4) Apply Multimedia systems and networks filter
- Multi-phase systems (13) Apply Multi-phase systems filter
- Multivariate analysis (3) Apply Multivariate analysis filter
- Neurophysiology (1) Apply Neurophysiology filter
- Nonparametric inference (2) Apply Nonparametric inference filter
- Nuclear engineering (5) Apply Nuclear engineering filter
- Nuclear physics (2) Apply Nuclear physics filter
- Numerical analysis (15) Apply Numerical analysis filter
- Occupational safety (4) Apply Occupational safety filter
- Offshore engineering (1) Apply Offshore engineering filter
- Open innovation (3) Apply Open innovation filter
- Operations management (10) Apply Operations management filter
- Operations research and management science (24) Apply Operations research and management science filter
- Optical materials (4) Apply Optical materials filter
- Optical properties (5) Apply Optical properties filter
- Optics (10) Apply Optics filter
- Optimization (29) Apply Optimization filter
- Optimization and optimal control theory (15) Apply Optimization and optimal control theory filter
- Organic chemistry (4) Apply Organic chemistry filter
- Organic photochemistry (2) Apply Organic photochemistry filter
- Other computing methods (1) Apply Other computing methods filter
- Other materials (1) Apply Other materials filter
- Other sources of energy (solar, wind, etc.) (9) Apply Other sources of energy (solar, wind, etc.) filter
- Other studies in natural sciences and engineering (6) Apply Other studies in natural sciences and engineering filter
- Parametric inference (2) Apply Parametric inference filter
- Particle physics (1) Apply Particle physics filter
- Pattern analysis and machine intelligence (11) Apply Pattern analysis and machine intelligence filter
- Petroleum-based and fossil fuels (2) Apply Petroleum-based and fossil fuels filter
- Petrology, igneous and metamorphic geology (1) Apply Petrology, igneous and metamorphic geology filter
- Photochemistry and photophysics (3) Apply Photochemistry and photophysics filter
- Photonic devices and networks (11) Apply Photonic devices and networks filter
- Photonics (14) Apply Photonics filter
- Physical chemistry (14) Apply Physical chemistry filter
- Physics (30) Apply Physics filter
- Plant and tree biology (1) Apply Plant and tree biology filter
- Plant ecology (1) Apply Plant ecology filter
- Plasma physics (1) Apply Plasma physics filter
- Plasticity, creep (4) Apply Plasticity, creep filter
- Polymer characterization (3) Apply Polymer characterization filter
- Polymer chemistry (11) Apply Polymer chemistry filter
- Polymers and coatings (14) Apply Polymers and coatings filter
- Polymer synthesis (1) Apply Polymer synthesis filter
- Power systems (5) Apply Power systems filter
- Properties of polymers (6) Apply Properties of polymers filter
- Psychology (3) Apply Psychology filter
- Pure mathematics (1) Apply Pure mathematics filter
- Quantum and/or computational chemistry (1) Apply Quantum and/or computational chemistry filter
- Radar and navigation (3) Apply Radar and navigation filter
- Radioactive materials (1) Apply Radioactive materials filter
- Reaction fundamentals and reactor design (4) Apply Reaction fundamentals and reactor design filter
- Reactor design and operation (4) Apply Reactor design and operation filter
- Relativity and gravitation (1) Apply Relativity and gravitation filter
- Renewable and non-renewable resources management (3) Apply Renewable and non-renewable resources management filter
- Rheology and processing (4) Apply Rheology and processing filter
- Robotic control and automation (7) Apply Robotic control and automation filter
- Robotics (27) Apply Robotics filter
- Rock mechanics (6) Apply Rock mechanics filter
- Seismology (1) Apply Seismology filter
- Semiconductor fabrication and packaging (3) Apply Semiconductor fabrication and packaging filter
- Semiconductors (8) Apply Semiconductors filter
- Semiconductors (4) Apply Semiconductors filter
- Sensory systems and perception (1) Apply Sensory systems and perception filter
- Separation processes (2) Apply Separation processes filter
- Signal transduction (1) Apply Signal transduction filter
- Social sciences and humanities (7) Apply Social sciences and humanities filter
- Soft condensed matter (3) Apply Soft condensed matter filter
- Software and development (24) Apply Software and development filter
- Software engineering (17) Apply Software engineering filter
- Soil physics (1) Apply Soil physics filter
- Soil science (3) Apply Soil science filter
- Solid mechanics (6) Apply Solid mechanics filter
- Space science (1) Apply Space science filter
- Spectroscopy (5) Apply Spectroscopy filter
- Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics (1) Apply Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics filter
- Statistical theory (1) Apply Statistical theory filter
- Statistics and probability (14) Apply Statistics and probability filter
- Steel: materials and structures (4) Apply Steel: materials and structures filter
- Stochastic processes (6) Apply Stochastic processes filter
- Stratigraphy (1) Apply Stratigraphy filter
- Stress analysis (3) Apply Stress analysis filter
- Structural analysis (6) Apply Structural analysis filter
- Structural engineering (12) Apply Structural engineering filter
- Structural geology and tectonics (2) Apply Structural geology and tectonics filter
- Structural loads and safety (7) Apply Structural loads and safety filter
- Structural materials (3) Apply Structural materials filter
- Structure and dynamics of the earth's interior (1) Apply Structure and dynamics of the earth's interior filter
- Superconductors (1) Apply Superconductors filter
- Superfluids (1) Apply Superfluids filter
- Surface and interfacial chemistry (4) Apply Surface and interfacial chemistry filter
- Surfaces, interfaces and thin films (16) Apply Surfaces, interfaces and thin films filter
- Surface water (6) Apply Surface water filter
- Survey methodology (2) Apply Survey methodology filter
- Synthesis (3) Apply Synthesis filter
- Synthetic methodology (1) Apply Synthetic methodology filter
- Systems, man and cybernetics (1) Apply Systems, man and cybernetics filter
- Theoretical physics and chemistry (9) Apply Theoretical physics and chemistry filter
- Theory of elementary particles and fields (1) Apply Theory of elementary particles and fields filter
- Thermodynamics (9) Apply Thermodynamics filter
- Thin films/interfaces (7) Apply Thin films/interfaces filter
- Time series analysis (2) Apply Time series analysis filter
- Transportation engineering (10) Apply Transportation engineering filter
- Transport processes (6) Apply Transport processes filter
- Transport properties (3) Apply Transport properties filter
- Turbulence (8) Apply Turbulence filter
- Ultrasonic / ferroelectric devices and applications (1) Apply Ultrasonic / ferroelectric devices and applications filter
- Vibrations (9) Apply Vibrations filter
- Virtual reality and related simulations (4) Apply Virtual reality and related simulations filter
- VLSI systems (10) Apply VLSI systems filter
- Waste water treatment (4) Apply Waste water treatment filter
- Water quality, pollution (15) Apply Water quality, pollution filter
- Water resources and supply (10) Apply Water resources and supply filter
- Wave propagation (7) Apply Wave propagation filter
- Wildlife management (1) Apply Wildlife management filter
- Wireless communication systems (11) Apply Wireless communication systems filter
Filter by sphere(s) of excellence in research
- Energy, Water and, Resources (8) Apply Energy, Water and, Resources filter
- Environment, Economy, and Society (3) Apply Environment, Economy, and Society filter
- Human Health (3) Apply Human Health filter
- Industry of the Future and Digital Society (11) Apply Industry of the Future and Digital Society filter
- Information and Communication Technologies (14) Apply Information and Communication Technologies filter
- Innovative Materials (5) Apply Innovative Materials filter
- Modeling and Artificial Intelligence (16) Apply Modeling and Artificial Intelligence filter
- Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures (8) Apply Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures filter
Filter by department
- Department of Chemical Engineering (4) Apply Department of Chemical Engineering filter
- Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering (13) Apply Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering filter
- Department of Electrical Engineering (31) Apply Department of Electrical Engineering filter
- Department of Engineering Physics (13) Apply Department of Engineering Physics filter
- Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering (3) Apply Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering filter
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (8) Apply Department of Mechanical Engineering filter
Filter by unit type
Filter by content type
Search results (72)
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Industry of the Future and Digital Society
Energy, Water and, Resources Sustainable Transport and Infrastructures
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Industry of the Future and Digital Society Information and Communication Technologies
Répertoire des expertises
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Energy, Water and, Resources
Répertoire des expertises
Canada Research Chair Tier 2 in Computer-Assisted Design and Scale-up of Alternative Energy Vectors for Sustainable Chemical Processes
Répertoire des expertises
MEI Chair in Quantum Photonics
Répertoire des expertises
NSERC/General Electric Industrial Chair in Two-Phase Flow
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Energy, Water and, Resources Industry of the Future and Digital Society
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Répertoire des expertises
Information and Communication Technologies Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Répertoire des expertises
Human Health
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence Information and Communication Technologies
Répertoire des expertises
Information and Communication Technologies
Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
Répertoire des expertises