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Martin Héroux
B. E., M. A. Sc., Ph. D.

Fax: (514) 340-4159

Research interests and affiliations

Research interests
  • Municipal solid waste management
  • Generation, collection, treatment and recovery of municipal solid waste
  • Landfill gas management
  • Odour emissions and dispersion
Expertise type(s) (NSERC subjects)
  • 1503 Air and noise pollution
  • 1505 Bioremediation
  • 1504 Solid waste management (including radioactivity)


Recent publications


Martin Héroux has been working in waste management for more than thirty years

As a research assistant at the Royal Military College of Canada, Mr. Héroux has contributed to developing environmental characterization tools for military waste disposal sites and has carried out environmental audits of soils and groundwater of contaminated sites located in Canada and in Germany (1987-1989). As a consulting engineer, he characterized and planned the restoration of several industrial waste disposal sites (1989-1992). He has been employed by the City of Montreal since 1992. Until 2008, he was responsible for environmental monitoring of the sanitary landfill of the Complexe Environnemental de Saint-Michel, where he designed and implemented the environmental monitoring infrastructure and programs. He also directed several research and development projects relating to the operation and closure of landfills. For the past twelve years, he has worked on the planning of waste management programs and the development and following-up of Montreal Agglomeration’s Waste Management Master plans.

Martin Héroux contributed to the founding of the Research Chair in Advanced Waste Recovery of Polytechnique Montréal. He is a member of the Management Committee and participates in carrying out the research program. He has published over 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He has also presented around thirty scientific papers in national and international symposia. For almost 10 years, he has been responsible for the course of Solid Waste Management, graduate studies in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering. Over the years, he has directed or co-directed a dozen graduate students in the production of their essay or dissertation.


  • CIV6210 - Solid Waste Management
  • CIV8240 - Treatment of effluents (6 hours per year)


  • Ph. D. of mineral engineering, Polytechnique Montreal
  • Master of applied science, Queen's University
  • Bachelor of geological engineering, Laval University

Supervision at Polytechnique

Press review about Martin Héroux

May 25, 2023, ICI Première Côte Nord, Boréale 138 | Tri biomécanique une solution pour aider la Côte-Nord à mieux gérer ses déchets?  Martin Héroux, professeur associé au département de génie chimique, discute à propos du tri biomécanique comme solution à la gestion des déchets.